J-GLOBAL ID:202001002591735330
Update date: Feb. 06, 2025 Shirai Nobu C.
Shirai Nobu C.
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Assistant Professor
Homepage URL (2): https://www.cc.mie-u.ac.jp/~shirai/jp/index.html
https://www.cc.mie-u.ac.jp/~shirai/index.html Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2022 - 2025 Developing Statistical Mechanics of Polymer Gels Based on Self-Avoiding Walk
- 2015 - 2019 Funnel-gas model for studying protein complex formations under crowded environment
Papers (15): -
Nobu C. Shirai, Naoyuki Sakumichi. Universal Negative Energetic Elasticity in Polymer Chains: Crossovers among Random, Self-Avoiding, and Neighbor-Avoiding Walks. arXiv:2408.14992. 2024
Nobu C. Shirai, Naoyuki Sakumichi. Exploring the origin of negative energetic elasticity in gels through a lattice polymer chain. 2023. 25. 4. 284-293
Andi Prademon Yunus, Kento Morita, Nobu C. Shirai, Tetsushi Wakabayashi. Temporal-Spatial Time Series Self-Attention 2D & 3D Human Motion Forecasting. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, and Communications Technology (IAICT). 2023
Andi Prademon Yunus, Kento Morita, Nobu C. Shirai, Tetsushi Wakabayashi. Time Series Self-Attention Approach for Human Motion Forecasting: A Baseline 2D Pose Forecasting. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics. 2023. 27. 3. 445-457
Nobu C. Shirai, Naoyuki Sakumichi. Solvent-Induced Negative Energetic Elasticity in a Lattice Polymer Chain. Physical Review Letters. 2023. 130. 14. 148101
more... Lectures and oral presentations (19): -
Negative Energetic Elasticity in Gels: Insights from a Lattice Polymer Chain
(APS March Meeting 2024 2024)
Scaling in Gel Mechanics: Crossover between Self- and Neighbor-Avoiding Walks
(APS March Meeting 2024 2024)
Negative Energetic Elasticity in Gels: Insights from a Lattice Polymer Chain
(MRSEC Seminar 2024)
Effect of bending energy on negative energetic elasticity in a lattice polymer chain
(Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan 2023)
Microscopic origin of negative energetic elasticity in polymer gels: effective intra-chain repulsive interaction
(The 7th International Soft Matter Conference (ISMC2023) 2023)
more... Professional career (1): - Ph.D. in Science (Osaka University)
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