Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
2024 - 2027 安定同位体でラベルしたリノール酸過酸化物とオキソ脂肪酸の体内動態解明
2022 - 2023 過酸化脂質の体内動態の解明
2021 - 2023 Elucidation of isotope labeled DHA and EPA hydroperoxide distribution and metabolism
2022 - 2023 魚類体表粘液を用いた環境に優しい新規抗菌剤の探索
2019 - 2021 Development of the visualization technique of isotope labeled PUFA hydroperoxides distribution and metabolism in the mouse body
2018 - 2020 アレルギー性疾患に関与する食品中のトランス脂肪酸位置異性体の解明
2014 - 2016 Microorganisms and enzymes implicated in degradation of tetrodotoxin, pufferfish toxin
2014 - 2016 刺毒魚のもつ毒成分の分布と構造の解明,
2012 - 2015 Studies on MRI analysis of tetrodotoxin and functional molecules implicated in toxicfication of pufferfish
2014 - 2015 ミトコンドリアDNAを用いたテトラミン食中毒原因巻貝の種判別法の開発
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Papers (32):
Kazuki Tada, Yuriko Suganuma, Aya Yoshinaga-Kiriake, Shota Koishi, Kazuaki Yoshinaga. Analysis of Total, Free, and Esterified Sterols and Triterpene Alcohols in Edible Oils using a Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detector. Journal of oleo science. 2025. 74. 2. 147-155
Aya Yoshinaga-Kiriake, Kazuaki Yoshinaga, Sae Miyagawa, Kanako Yoshino, Seiya Tanaka, Takumi Takahashi, Shunji Kato, Junya Ito, Yurika Otoki, Kiyotaka Nakagawa, et al. Comparison of the Catabolic Rates of Linoleic and Oleic Acid Hydroperoxides Using 13CO2 Expired from Mice. Journal of oleo science. 2024. 73. 6. 847-855
Nishimura Kazuya, Huang Xiannan, Yoshinaga-Kiriake Aya, Yahata Yuna, Tanaka Seiya, Gotoh Naohiro, Yoshinaga Kazuaki. Formation of Epoxy Fatty Acids in Triacylglycerol Standards during Heating. Journal of Oleo Science. 2024. 73. 5. 637-644
Yuji Nagashima, Kenta Fujimoto, Masahiko Okai, Yoichiro Kitani, Aya Yoshinaga-Kiriake, Shoichiro Ishizaki. Primary Structure and Conformation of a Tetrodotoxin-Binding Protein in the Hemolymph of Non-Toxic Shore Crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2023. 11. 1. 181-181
Aya Yoshinaga-Kiriake, Daisuke Takata, Takashi Norito, Masayasu Maki, Shota Mochizuki, Kazuaki Yoshinaga. Comparative Evaluation of Fatty Acid Composition, Tocopherols, and Volatile Compounds of Walnut Oil between Juglans mandshurica Maxim. var. sachalinensis (Komatsu) Kitam and J. regia L. Journal of oleo science. 2022. 71. 12. 1743-1748