Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2015 - 2019 Analysis of Acquisition Process of Academic and Japanese Supporting University Education and its Lubrik
2006 - 2009 Curriculum development in Japanese language teaching for university students to suit the social needs : Integrated and Collaborative approaches
MATSUMOTO Haruka, OGASA Emiko. Why they keep on studying in Japan after the earthquake on 11^<th> March?:-Research though the interview with the foreign students-. The journal of Japanese Language Education Methods. 2011. 18. 2. 34-35
HOSAKA Toshiko, OGASA Emiko. The Meaning of Japanese Volunteer Class for Short-term Student Exchange Program. The journal of Japanese Language Education Methods. 2009. 16. 2. 52-53
Meeting management under the win-win relationship. Journal of international behavioral studies. 2008. 3. 49-59
小笠 恵美子. 音楽の作品制作における留学生と専門教員の認識 : インタビューの語りの分析から-Recognition of an International Student and Instructors for Musical Works in their Narratives. 専門日本語教育研究 = Journal of technical Japanese education / 『専門日本語教育研究』編集委員会 編. 2023. 25. 59-66
小笠, 恵美子. 音楽表現専攻の留学生と指導者による相互理解に向けた取り組み-Efforts toward mutual understanding between international students and instructors: In the field of music lessons. 昭和音楽大学研究紀要. 2021. 40
音楽の講義における引用と参照 -講義に音楽を挟む際の論理構造上の機能-: The Feature of Quote and Reference in the Lecture of Music: Focus on the Case of Lecture in Which Music is Embedded. 2020. 39
OGASA Emiko, SAIKI Yukari, NAKAMURA Fusako. Attempts to Roll Play in "Functional Conversation" and Self Evaluation : For Intermediate Classes. Journal of Japanese language education methods. 2010. 17. 2. 34-35