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J-GLOBAL ID:202001003326236549   Update date: Jul. 25, 2024


トヨオカ ヒロコ | KAWAI-TOYOOKA, Hiroko
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Research Associate
Other affiliations (1):
  • Chuo University  Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Biological Sciences 
Research field  (1): Cell biology
Research keywords  (1): Chlamydomonas, Eudorina, Volvox, sexual reproduction, gamete induction, sex pheromone
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (8):
  • 2021 - 2025 ボルボックス系列緑藻で探る性フェロモンの進化プロセス
  • 2022 - 2024 Structural and molecular basis for the behavioral changes during the colonial-individual conversion of sperms in volvocine green algae
  • 2017 - 2022 Exploring the molecular basis for the emergence of inter-sexual communication associated with the evolution of male-female dimorphism
  • 2013 - 2016 Elucidating the molecular basis of evolution of gamete fusion mechanism associated with the establishment of male-female gamete dimorphism
  • 2010 - 2012 群体性ボルボックス目を用いた多細胞化に伴う形態形成機構の進化の分子基盤解明
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Papers (22):
  • Shion Yamagishi, Kayoko Yamamoto, Kohei Takahashi, Hiroko Kawai-Toyooka, Shigekatsu Suzuki, Ryo Matsuzaki, Haruyo Yamaguchi, Masanobu Kawachi, Tetsuya Higashiyama, Hisayoshi Nozaki. Evolutionary analysis of MID homologs during the transition from homothallic species to heterothallic species in Volvox sect. Volvox (Chlorophyceae). Phycological Research. 2023. 72. 1. 46-55
  • Kohei Takahashi, Shigekatsu Suzuki, Hiroko Kawai-Toyooka, Kayoko Yamamoto, Takashi Hamaji, Ryo Ootsuki, Haruyo Yamaguchi, Masanobu Kawachi, Tetsuya Higashiyama, Hisayoshi Nozaki. Reorganization of the ancestral sex-determining regions during the evolution of trioecy in Pleodorina starrii. Communications biology. 2023. 6. 1. 590-590
  • Kohei Takahashi, Hiroko Kawai-Toyooka, Ryo Ootsuki, Takashi Hamaji, Yuki Tsuchikane, Hiroyuki Sekimoto, Tetsuya Higashiyama, Hisayoshi Nozaki. Three sex phenotypes in a haploid algal species give insights into the evolutionary transition to a self-compatible mating system. Evolution; international journal of organic evolution. 2021. 75. 11. 2984-2993
  • Kayoko Yamamoto, Takashi Hamaji, Hiroko Kawai-Toyooka, Ryo Matsuzaki, Fumio Takahashi, Yoshiki Nishimura, Masanobu Kawachi, Hideki Noguchi, Yohei Minakuchi, James G Umen, et al. Three genomes in the algal genus Volvox reveal the fate of a haploid sex-determining region after a transition to homothallism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021. 118. 21
  • Kimbara R, Isaka N, Matsuzaki R, Kawai-Toyooka H, Kawachi M, Nozaki H. Morphological and molecular identification of the dioecious “African species” Volvox rousseletii (Chlorophyceae) in the water column of a Japanese lake based on field-collected and cultured materials. PLoS One. 2019. 14. 8. e0223006
MISC (3):
  • 和田 正三, 河合 豊岡. 実験メソッド&マニュアル RNAi実験UPDATE(第4回)DNAiによる遺伝子機能の解析 ーその現状と将来性ー. バイオテクノロジージャーナル. 2005. 5. 5. 595-601
  • 河合-豊岡 博子, 和田 正三. 植物におけるRNAi研究-7 シダ植物・コケ植物におけるRNAiとDNAi. 化学と生物. 2005. 43. 9. 589-594
  • 河合ー豊岡, 和田 正三. 光合成最適化への光センサー,フォトトロピンファミリー. 蛋白質核酸酵素. 2003. 48. 14. 1899-1907
Education (6):
  • 2000 - 2004 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School of Science Department of Biological Sciences
  • 2000 - 2004 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School of Science Department of Biological Sciences
  • 1998 - 2000 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School of Science Department of Biological Sciences
  • 1998 - 2000 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School of Science Department of Biological Sciences
  • 1994 - 1998 Tokyo Metropolitan University Faculty of Science Department of Biology
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Professional career (1):
  • D.Sc. (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Work history (1):
  • 2020/04 - 現在 Department of Frontier Bioscience, Faculty of Bioscience and Applied Chemistry, Hosei University
Committee career (2):
  • 2018/04 - 現在 The 5th International Volvox Conference Local Organizing Committee Member
  • 2018/04/12 - The 5th International Volvox Conference Local Organizing Committee Member
Awards (2):
  • 2013/08/02 - The 2nd International Volvox Conference Best Poster Award (The 2nd International Volvox Conference) Mating type-specific two-step regulation for the fusogen GCS1 in the isogamous volvocine alga Gonium pectorale.
  • 2013/08 - The 2nd International Volvox Conference Best Poster Award (The 2nd International Volvox Conference) Mating type-specific two-step regulation for the fusogen GCS1 in the isogamous volvocine alga Gonium pectorale.
Association Membership(s) (1):
The Botanical Society of Japan
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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