Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2021 - 2025 神経前駆細胞の異常による水頭症モデルマウスを用いた病態解明
Papers (3):
Zakiyyah Munirah Mohd Zaki, Anri Kuroda, Naoko Morimura, Yoshitaka Hayashi, Seiji Hitoshi. Depletion of transit amplifying cells in the adult brain does not affect quiescent neural stem cell pool size. The journal of physiological sciences : JPS. 2023. 73. 1. 19-19
Aoi Tanaka, Shohei Ishida, Takahiro Fuchigami, Yoshitaka Hayashi, Anri Kuroda, Kazuhiro Ikenaka, Yugo Fukazawa, Seiji Hitoshi. Life-Long Neural Stem Cells Are Fate-Specified at an Early Developmental Stage. Cerebral Cortex. 2020. 30. 12. 6415-6425
Minocycline directly enhances the self-renewal of adult neural precursor cells. Neurochem Res. 2018. 43. 219-226
Books (1):
メディカ出版 2017
Lectures and oral presentations (7):
The function of Klf5 gene in adult brain
(ISN-ASN meeting 2019 in Montreal 2019)
The maintenance of neural stem cells by Klf5 gene
Klf5遺伝子によるadult neurogenesisの制御機構
The function of Klf5 gene in neurogenesis
Minocycline directly enhances the self-renewal of adult neural precursor cells