J-GLOBAL ID:202001004292533898
Update date: Feb. 26, 2025 Takagi Takuya
タカギ タクヤ | Takagi Takuya
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (2):
Intelligent informatics
, Information theory
Research keywords (3):
, Data Structure
, Text Processing
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2021 - 2025 Study of index construction and compression algorithms in fully-online setting
- 2015 - 2018 スパース接尾辞木を用いた高速マルチストリーム索引の研究開発
Papers (27): -
Shoki Yamao, Ken Kobayashi, Kentaro Kanamori, Takuya Takagi, Yuichi Ike, Kazuhide Nakata. Distribution-Aligned Sequential Counterfactual Explanation with Local Outlier Factor. PRICAI (1). 2024. 243-256
Kentaro Kanamori, Takuya Takagi, Ken Kobayashi, Yuichi Ike. Learning Decision Trees and Forests with Algorithmic Recourse. ICML. 2024
Hirofumi Suzuki, Hiroaki Iwashita, Takuya Takagi, Yuta Fujishige, Satoshi Hara 0001. Rule Mining for Correcting Classification Models. CoRR. 2023. abs/2310.06446
Hirofumi Suzuki, Hiroaki Iwashita, Takuya Takagi, Yuta Fujishige, Satoshi Hara 0001. Rule Mining for Correcting Classification Models. ICDM. 2023. 1331-1336
Kentaro Kanamori, Takuya Takagi, Ken Kobayashi, Yuichi Ike. Counterfactual Explanation with Missing Values. CoRR. 2023. abs/2304.14606
more... MISC (5): -
SUZUKI Hirofumi, GOTO Keisuke, IWASHITA Hiroaki, TAKAGI Takuya, OHORI Kotaro, HARA Satoshi. Heuristic Algorithm for Human Acceptable Linear Model based on Weighted Lasso. JSAI Technical Report, SIG-FPAI. 2020. 112. 67-72
Efficient Constrained Pattern Mining Using Dynamic Item Ordering for Explainable Classification. 2020. 111. 40-45
Wide Learning Technology to Provide Trust Through Knowledge Discovery. 2019. 70. 4. 48-54
Extension of Ukkonen's Online Suffix Tree Algorithm to Multi-Stream Texts. 2015. 115. 84. 125-132
Faster Sparse Suffix Tree Construction on Word RAM. 2012. 2012. 9. 1-8
Education (4): - 2015 - 2018 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Division of Computer Science and Information Technology
- 2013 - 2015 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Division of Computer Science
- 2011 - 2013 Hokkaido University School of Engineering Department of Electronics and Information Engineering
- 2006 - 2011 Tomakomai National College of Technology
Professional career (3): - Ph.D. in Computer Science (Hokkaido University)
- M.S. in Computer Science (Hokkaido University)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Hokkaido University)
Work history (5): - 2022/04 - 現在 Meiji University School of Science and Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering Informatics
- 2018/04 - 現在 Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
- 2020/04 - 2022/03 RIKEN AIP visiting researcher
- 2016/04 - 2018/03 Discrete Structure Manipulation System Project
- 2015/04 - 2018/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellowships
Committee career (4): - 2022/04 - 2023/03 情報処理学会 会誌編集委員 FWG 幹事
- 2020/04 - 2022/03 情報処理学会 会誌編集委員 FWG 主査
- 2020/06 - 2020/06 情報処理学会 第83回全国大会 プログラム委員
- 2019/04 - 2020/03 情報処理学会 会誌編集委員 FWG
Awards (3): - 2015/03 - 電子情報通信学会北海道支部 電子情報通信学会北海道支部学生員奨励賞
- 2013/03 - 北海道大学 William Wheeler Prize
- 2011/03 - 北海道支部長賞 情報処理学会北海道支部
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