Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2019 - 2025 Calabi-Yau多様体の自己同型と不変量の研究
Papers (12):
Kohei Kikuta, Naoki Koseki, Genki Ouchi. Thurston compactifications of spaces of stability conditions on curves. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2024
Naoki Koseki, Genki Ouchi. Perverse schobers and Orlov equivalences. European Journal of Mathematics. 2023. 9. 2
Yuki Hirano, Genki Ouchi. Derived factorization categories of non-Thom-Sebastiani-type sums of potentials. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 2022. 126. 1. 1-75
Yuki Hirano, Genki Ouchi. Prime thick subcategories on elliptic curves. Pacific Journal of Mathematics. 2022. 318. 1. 69-88
Kohei Kikuta, Genki Ouchi. Hochschild Entropy and Categorical Entropy. Arnold Mathematical Journal. 2022. 9. 2. 223-244