Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2020 - 2023 途上国におけるハイリスク妊娠を回避するための妊婦健康診査システムの構築
2017 - 2020 Establishment of Health care System in Developing Countries Targeting Reduction of Stillbirth
2015 - 2017 Construction of the Maternal Health Care in Developing Countries Targeting the Reduction of Stillbirth
2013 - 2015 Introducing a Fetal Movement Monitor into the Maternal Health Care in Developing Countries Targeting the Reduction of Stillbirth
Papers (2):
Mori Kumiko. The relationship between self-evaluation and giving-receiving relation-ships of support in friendships. Psychological research of Kyushu University. 2005. 6. 207-216
Mori Kumiko. The role of interpersonal trust and Machiavellianism in a2-person's prisoner's dilemma game: Cooperation rates and choicemotives. Bulletin of the Faculty of Education. The Department of Educational Psychology. 1994. 41. 65-78
MISC (26):
Kumiko MORI, Kanako, MTSUEDA Akiko, SHIMADA. The process of reshaping a family by a mother who has had a second or third child hospitalized in the NICU. 2022. 59. 107-119
Kumiko MORI. Survey on the first visit of the Antenatal Visit at a hospital in Lusaka, Zambia. Journal of International Health. 2020. 35. 3. 255-255