J-GLOBAL ID:202001004994237448
Update date: Oct. 15, 2024
Myers Michael
マイヤース マイケル | Myers Michael
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 2021 - 2025 Study abroad and improved physician empathy in medical students
- 2017 - 2023 Examination of the influence that oral bacteria gives to carotid arterial stenosis
Papers (15):
Myers Michael W., Hashimoto Miyuki, Hiraizumi Yuka, Siriratsivawong Kris. Online medical English education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Improved performance and students' perceptions. Journal of Medical English Education. 2023. 22. 2-3. 22-26
Michael W. Myers, Kris Siriratsivawong, Yoshiko Kudo, Yuka Hiraizumi, Miyuki Hashimoto. Impact of Telemedicine Lecture on Online Medical Interview Performance. International Medical Education. 2022
Myers Michael W., 橋本 みゆき, 平泉 由香, 宮崎 隆, Siriratsivawong Kris, 高宮 有介, 土屋 静馬, 有馬 牧子, 古田 厚子, 泉 美貴. コロナウイルス流行下での臨床医学英語講義のオンライン実施に関する学生の印象の評価(Assessment of student impressions regarding the online delivery of a clinical English course during the coronavirus pandemic). Journal of Medical English Education. 2021. 20. 2. 39-39
Changes in students' perceptions and grit after participating in a study-abroad program. 2020. 19. 1. 45-49
Hikaru Takahashi, Yuichiro Takaku, Ayako Kozakai, Hiroshi Otsuru, Yuya Murata, Michael W. Myers. Primary Intraosseous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Arising from a Dentigerous Cyst of the Maxillary Wisdom Tooth. Case Reports in Oncology. 2020. 13. 2. 611-616
MISC (9):
Michael Myers W., Hashimoto Miyuki, Hiraizumi Yuka, Izumi Miki, Miyazaki Takashi, Siriratsivawong Kris, Omoto Tadashi, Takahashi Rumi. New Clinical English Class for 5th-year Medical Students: Predictors of Performance. 医学教育. 2020. 51. Suppl. 65-65
Siriratsivawong Kris, Izumi Miki, Hashimoto Miyuki, Myers Michael W., Hiraizumi Yuka, Tsuchiya Shizuma, Miyazaki Takashi, Izumizaki Masahiko, Takahashi Rumi. Coronavirus Pandemic Highlights the Value of Interactive Tele-Education in Medical Education. 医学教育. 2020. 51. Suppl. 69-69
Siriratsivawong Kris, 橋本 みゆき, 平泉 由香, 泉 美貴, 宮崎 隆, Myers Michael W., 尾本 正, 高橋 留美. Predictors of medical interview performance in new clinical English class for 5th-year medical students. Journal of Medical English Education. 2020. 19. 2. 12-12
Myers Michael W., 橋本 みゆき, 平泉 由香, 泉 美貴, 宮崎 隆, Siriratsivawong Kris, 尾本 正, 高橋 留美. Expanding clinical English education to all medical students: Challenges and lessons learned. Journal of Medical English Education. 2020. 19. 2. 13-13
Myers Michael W., 平泉 由香, 橋本 みゆき, 倉田 知光, 宮崎 隆. Changes in students' perceptions and grit after participating in a study-abroad program. Journal of Medical English Education. 2019. 18. 2. 26-26
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