J-GLOBAL ID:202001006214209165
Update date: Sep. 02, 2024 Bizenjima Takahiro
ビゼンジマ タカヒロ | Bizenjima Takahiro
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Conservative dentistry and endodontics
Research keywords (2):
, 歯周療法学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2019 - 2022 Establishment of safe and efficient bone regeneration with scaffold materials and growth factors in diabetic condition
- 2016 - 2019 Establishment of safe and efficient novel periodontal regenerative therapy in diabetic condition
Papers (34): -
Naoki Miyata, Shinta Mori, Tasuku Murakami, Takahiro Bizenjima, Fumi Seshima, Kentaro Imamura, Atsushi Saito. Combined Effects of Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 and Carbonate Apatite Granules on Periodontal Healing: An In Vivo and In Vitro Study. Biomedicines. 2024. 12. 8. 1664-1664
Takahiro Bizenjima, Daisuke Irokawa, Shigeko Yamada, Atsushi Saito, Sachiyo Tomita. A Case Report of Periodontal Regenerative Therapy Using Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 and Deproteinized Bovine Bone Mineral with Non-incised Papillae Surgical Approach (NIPSA) for Angular Bone Defect in Patient with Stage III Grade C Periodontitis. The Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College. 2023. 64. 4. 145-155
今村 健太郎, 勢島 典, 青木 栄人, 山下 慶子, 北村 友里恵, 松上 大亮, 村上 侑, 小谷地 咲[中根], 中谷 脩子, 安蒜 麻友里, et al. rhFGF-2製剤と炭酸アパタイトを併用した歯周組織再生療法の臨床成績 ランダム化比較試験による術後12ヵ月での検討. 日本歯周病学会会誌. 2023. 65. 春季特別. 129-129
勢島 典, 備前島 崇浩, 青木 栄人, 今村 健太郎, 喜田 大智, 色川 大輔, 松上 大亮, 北村 友里恵, 山下 慶子, 杉戸 博記, et al. rhFGF-2製剤と脱タンパクウシ骨ミネラルを併用した歯周組織再生療法 ランダム化比較試験術後4年の臨床成績. 日本歯周病学会会誌. 2023. 65. 春季特別. 129-129
Fumi Seshima, Takahiro Bizenjima, Hideto Aoki, Kentaro Imamura, Daichi Kita, Daisuke Irokawa, Daisuke Matsugami, Yurie Kitamura, Keiko Yamashita, Hiroki Sugito, et al. Periodontal Regenerative Therapy Using rhFGF-2 and Deproteinized Bovine Bone Mineral versus rhFGF-2 Alone: 4-Year Extended Follow-Up of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Biomolecules. 2022. 12. 11
more... Lectures and oral presentations (28): -
(第66回春季日本歯周病学会学術大会 2023)
Periodontal regeneration using rhFGF-2 with DBBM: An 18-month follow-up of a randomized controlled trial
(The 106th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology in collaboration with the Japanese Society of Periodontology and the Japanese Academy of Clinical Periodontology (virtual) 2020)
Clinical outcomes of rhFGF-2 therapy with M-MIST for intrabony defects
(The 106th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology in collaboration with the Japanese Society of Periodontology and the Japanese Academy of Clinical Periodontology (virtual) 2020)
Combined effects of FGF-2 and DBBM on periodontal healing: a preclinical investigation
(The 106th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology in collaboration with the Japanese Society of Periodontology and the Japanese Academy of Clinical Periodontology (virtual) 2020)
more... Education (2): - 2011 - 2015 東京歯科大学大学院歯学研究科 (歯周病学専攻)
- 2004 - 2010 Tokyo Dental College
Professional career (1): Work history (3): - 2021/10 - 現在 東京歯科大学千葉歯科医療センター 講師
- 2016/04 - 現在 東京歯科大学千葉歯科医療センター 助教
- 2015/04 - 2016/03 東京歯科大学水道橋病院歯周病学講座 レジデント
Association Membership(s) (1): Return to Previous Page