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J-GLOBAL ID:202001007663222636   Update date: May. 02, 2024

Kataoka Yufuko

カタオカ ユフコ | Kataoka Yufuko
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2021 - 2024 熱中症予防の為のヒト熱放散反応におけるTRPA1チャネルとNOSの役割解明
Papers (5):
  • Koji Uchida, Yu Ogawa, Yufuko Kataoka, Kazumasa Manabe, Takamichi Aida, Yoshi-Ichiro Kamijo, Sohta Takahashi, Ryo Ikefuchi, Hiroshi Nose, Shizue Masuki. New portable device for continuous measurement of sweat rate under heat stress during field tests. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 2022. 132. 4. 974-983
  • Tasuku Kimura, Yu Ogawa, Hirokazu Hayashi, Ryo Yasumitsu, Yufuko Kataoka, Koji Uchida, Kazumasa Manabe, Shizue Masuki, Hiroshi Nose. Mathematical model to estimate the increase in firefighters' core temperature during firefighting activity with a portable calorimeter. International journal of biometeorology. 2020. 64. 5. 755-764
  • Kazumasa Manabe, Shizue Masuki, Yu Ogawa, Koji Uchida, Yoshi-Ichiro Kamijo, Yufuko Kataoka, Eri Sumiyoshi, Yu Takeda, Takamichi Aida, Hiroshi Nose. Countdown before voluntary exercise induces muscle vasodilation with baroreflex-mediated decrease in muscle sympathetic nerve activity in humans. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 2020. 128. 5. 1196-1206
  • Yufuko Kataoka, Yoshi-Ichiro Kamijo, Yu Ogawa, Eri Sumiyoshi, Mari Nakae, Shigeki Ikegawa, Kazumasa Manabe, Mayuko Morikawa, Masashi Nagata, Satoshi Takasugi, et al. Effects of hypervolemia by protein and glucose supplementation during aerobic training on thermal and arterial pressure regulations in hypertensive older men. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 2016. 121. 4. 1021-1031
  • Shizue Masuki, Atsumi Morita, Yoshi-ichiro Kamijo, Shigeki Ikegawa, Yufuko Kataoka, Yu Ogawa, Eri Sumiyoshi, Kiwamu Takahashi, Tohru Tanaka, Motowo Nakajima, et al. Impact of 5-aminolevulinic acid with iron supplementation on exercise efficiency and home-based walking training achievement in older women. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 2016. 120. 1. 87-96
MISC (7):
  • Sports and heat illness. 2018. 42. 3. 293-300
  • The effects of milk product intake during aerobic exercise training on heat illness and life-style related diseases in middle-aged and older people. 2017. 67. 48-59
  • 能勢 博, 片岡 由布子, 小川 雄, 増木 静江. 【電解質の新しい見方・考え方】血漿電解質異常の見方と考え方 スポーツ、汗と電解質異常. 腎と透析. 2016. 80. 3. 315-320
  • 眞鍋 憲正, 小川 雄, 片岡 由布子, 住吉 愛里, 上條 義一郎, 増木 静江, 能勢 博. ヒト自発運動開始時の筋血流調節における脳内バゾプレシンの役割. 体力科学. 2015. 64. 6. 585-585
  • 増木 静江, 森川 真悠子, 降幡 真由佳, 片岡 由布子, 眞鍋 憲正, 住吉 愛里, 小川 雄, 上條 義一郎, 高杉 諭, 能勢 博. 高齢者における運動+乳蛋白質摂取の筋力・持久力向上効果. 体力科学. 2015. 64. 6. 699-699
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(医学) (信州大学)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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