J-GLOBAL ID:202001009759331420
Update date: Feb. 14, 2025 Miyata Akihiro
ミヤタ アキヒロ | Miyata Akihiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Assistant professor
Other affiliations (3): - Ibaraki University
Institute for University Education and Student Support Department of Arts and Sciences
Part-time lecturer
Musashino University
Part-time lecturer
Tokyo Women's Medical University
Part-time lecturer
Research field (1):
Philosophy and ethics
Research keywords (5):
, Phenomenology
, community
, Martin Heidegger
, Michiko Ishimure
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2023 - 2027 Study on the Subject of Narratives in Literary Texts and Clinical Practices Based on Heidegger's Language Theory
- 2019 - 2021 「他者の語りの理解」の現象学的解明:M.ハイデガーの他者論の批判的検討
Papers (7): -
Akihiro Miyata. The Ethics of Depicting Others: Plant and Animal Similes in Ishimure Michiko's Kugai jōdo. Literature and Environment. 2024. 27. 15-25
Akihiro Miyata. Language and Beyond: On the Theory of "Discourse" in Heidegger's Being and Time. 2022
宮田晃碩. 隔たりとしての言葉:『苦海浄土』と『椿の海の記』をめぐる言葉の主体性と共同性への問い. 石牟礼道子を読む:世界をひらく/漂浪く(EAAブックレット). 2021. 99-117
Akihiro Miyata. Dwelling and Speaking: A Question to the Crack and Silence in Michiko Ishimure’s Kugai jōdo (Paradise in the Sea of Sorrow). Heidegger-Forum. 2020. 14. 1-18
Yasuhisa Kondo, Akihiro Miyata, Ui Ikeuchi, Satoe Nakahara, Ken'ichiro Nakashima, Hideyuki Onishi, Takeshi Osawa, Kazuhiko Ota, Kenichi Sato, Ken Ushijima, et al. Interlinking open science and community-based participatory research for socio-environmental issues. CURRENT OPINION IN ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY. 2019. 39. 54-61
more... MISC (4): -
宮田晃碩. 書評:野田研一、後藤隆基、山田悠介編著『石牟礼道子と〈古典〉の水脈:他者の声が響く』. 大東文化. 2024
Akihiro Miyata. Enhancing Question Quality in Report Writing: Insights from a Case Study in "Musashino INITIAL". The Basis: The Annual Bulletin of Research Center for Liberal Education, Musashino University. 2024. 14. 31-40
Akihiro Miyata. Review: "Kagaku to Shi no Kakyō (Reflection on Science and Poetry)" by Oshima H. 2024. 109. 127-130
宮田晃碩. コメント:Mode2 Lab Journal Vol.1 における3つの論文に対して. 2022
Books (3): - Institutionalizing Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity: Collaboration across Cultures and Communities
Routledge 2022 ISBN:9781003129424
- フューチャー・デザインと哲学: 世代を超えた対話
勁草書房 2021 ISBN:4326154810
- 環境問題を解く : ひらかれた協働研究のすすめ
かもがわ出版 2021 ISBN:9784780311440
Lectures and oral presentations (20): -
(「水俣病」は今日、どのように捉えられるのか? ~「水俣病」への複合的アプローチの試み~ 2025)
Possibility and spatiality: rethinking Watsuji Tetsurō's hermeneutic ethics in regard to hikikomori
(Social Withdrawal and Mental Disorders in Post-Pandemic Times 2024)
Rethinking Watsuji's Rinrigaku (Ethics) in regard to hikikomori
(Social Withdrawal and Mental Disorders in Post-Pandemic Times (Japan-Czech Republic Research Cooperative Program between JSPS and CAS) 2024)
Dis/affinity with plants and animals: similes in Kugai jōdo
(The 2023 Online Symposium of the Network of Asian Environmental Philosophy 2023)
more... Professional career (1): - Ph.D. (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (13): - 2024/10 - 現在 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo, Komaba Comparative Literature and Culture, the Department of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies Assistant professor
- 2023/09 - 現在 Tokyo Women's Medical University Part-time lecturer
- 2023/04 - 現在 Musashino University
- 2022/04 - 現在 Ibaraki University Institute for University Education and Student Support Department of Arts and Sciences Part-time lecturer
- 2022/04 - 2024/09 The University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy (UTCP) Project Researcher
- 2021/04 - 2022/03 East Asian Academy for New Liberal Arts, The University of Tokyo Research Assistant
- 2017/04 - 2022/03 東京大学大学院 総合文化研究科 超域文化科学専攻 博士後期課程
- 2020/04 - 2021/03 Department of Comparative Literature and Culture, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo Research Assistant
- 2019/04 - 2021/03 日本学術振興会特別研究員DC2
- 2019/04 - 2020/03 開成学園 国語科 非常勤講師
- 2016/04 - 2018/08 The University of Tokyo Teaching assistant
- 2017/04 - 2017/08 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies Teaching assistant
- 2015/04 - 2017/04 東京大学大学院 総合文化研究科 超域文化科学専攻 修士課程
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Awards (1): - 2019/09 - Heidegger Forum Heidegger Forum Watanabe Jirô Prize <Conference Presentation> Dwelling and Speaking - A Question to the Crack and Silence in Michiko Ishimure’s Kugai jōdo (Paradise in the Sea of Sorrow)
Association Membership(s) (6):
, ASLE-Japan/文学・環境学会
, 哲学会
, 実存思想協会
, ハイデガー・フォーラム
, 日本倫理学会
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