2019 - 2021 Career Development of Former International Students from China Working in Japan: Their Vocational Identity Development
2009 - 2011 Communication frictions between Japanese expatriates and local employees in China and Vietnam
Papers (12):
Ye-Yuzawa, Y. Development of vocational identity of skilled Chinese migrants in Japan with and without previous educational experience in the host country. Intercultural Communication Studies. 2024. 33. 1. 74-96
Youqi Ye-Yuzawa. Acculturation of Skilled Migrants from China Working in Japan: Antecedents and Styles. Global Comminication Studies. 2023. 12. 91-110
Youqi Ye-Yuzawa, Reiko Nebashi. Acculturation styles of bicultural employees: Qualitative research on skilled migrants from China in Japan. Journal of Intercultural Communication. 2022. 25. 33-52
Youqi Ye-Yuzawa, Norihiro Harasawa. Vocational identity and its impact on career outcomes: A study of Japanese Employees in the early career stage. Japanese Journal of Human Resource Development. 2021. 17. 1. 37-50
Youqi Ye-Yuzawa. Vocational identity of former international students from China working in Japan and its relationships with career outcomes. SIETAR JAPAN. 2021. 24. 33-54