J-GLOBAL ID:202001010228663877
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024 Shirakawa Emi
シラカワ エミ | Shirakawa Emi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (2):
Library/information science, humanistic/social informatics
, History - General
Research keywords (1):
Archives, Archival Studies, Archival Science, Records Management, Egyptology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2023 - 2026 沖縄祭祀写真資料を対象とした〈伝統的文化表現〉の保護と記録のアクセス
- 2021 - 2024 デジタル時代に適応可能なアーカイブズ記述の目録規則に関する研究
- 2015 - 2019 Protecting confidential information and enhancing access to moden archival records
Papers (1): -
Tsuyoshi WATANABE, Masashi KOTANI, Mariko ITO, Misuzu ONEYAMA, Emi SHIRAKAWA, Satoshi YAMADA. The expectation to ^|^quot;ISO 30300^|^quot;, international standard of records management, and tentative Japanese-translation of it. Journal of Information Processing and Management. 2014. 57. 5. 315-322
MISC (7): -
Visiting archives and museums at the border. Records and Archives. 2021. 21. 55-59
白川栄美. 連載「アーキビストの視点」第6回 ブータンで学んだこと -ユネスコ「世界の記憶」地域能力強化ワークショップ「災害リスク管理と軽減のための文書遺産保存」に参加して. Records and Information Management Journal. 2020. 42. 13-17
Emi Shirakawa. Education and Qualification of Archivists in Other Countries: UK. Research Report: Education and Qualification of Archivists. 2019. 21-38
Emi Shirakawa. Article Series "An Archivist's Perspective" Episode 1: Education and Qualification of Archivists in the UK. Records and Information Management Journal. 2018. 36. 19
Emi Shirakawa. Balance between preservation and exploitation of archives. 2015. 54. 4
more... Books (4): - レコード・マネジメント・ハンドブック : 記録管理・アーカイブズ管理のための
日外アソシエーツ,紀伊國屋書店 (発売) 2016 ISBN:9784816926112
- Guide Book for Children: Ttutankhamun
- Ttutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs 2012
- Current research in Egyptology 2004 : proceedings of the fifth annual symposium which took place at the University of Durham, January 2004
Oxbow Books 2006 ISBN:1842172204
Lectures and oral presentations (6): -
The Role of Learning in Archives Service and How to Promote it
Appraisal and Public Archives: Belgium, Germany, Norway, Sweden and UK
What to Keep? A UK Perspective on Appraisal
(Archives and Records Challenges in the Digital Information Society (ARCHIDIS) 2011)
Oral Performance in Ancient Egypt: A Song of Intef
Wordplay in Ancient Egypt
more... Education (4): - 2010 - 2011 University of Liverpool Faculty of Humanity School of Music, Culture and Language, Archives and Records Management
- 2002 - 2009 University of Liverpool Faculty of Arts School of Archaeology, Classicsand and Egyptology
- 1997 - 1998 University of Liverpool Faculty of Arts School of, Archaeology, Classics and Oriental Studies
- 1994 - 1997 University of Liverpool Faculty of Arts School of, Archaeology, Classics and Oriental Studies, Egyptology
Professional career (1): - 博士 (University of Liverpool)
Work history (2): - 2014/08 - 2018/05 The University of Tokyo University of Tokyo Archives Assistant Archivist
- 2012/05 - 2014/03 Shuppanbunkasha Co. Ltd. Heritage Service, Archives Section Archivist, Archives and Records Management Consultant
Committee career (1): - 2016/04 - 現在 Japan Society of Archival Science Committee member
Association Membership(s) (2):
Records Management Society of Japan
, Japan Society for Archival Science
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