Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2021 - 2024 自由関係節の発達についての史的統語論的研究
2018 - 2021 英語のthat痕跡効果と反that痕跡効果についての史的統語論的研究
Papers (14):
Ryoichi KONDO, Tomonori OTSUKA, Yuta TANAKA, Satoru KANNO. A Note on Movable Size: FormCopy Does Operate between Features. Tokai English Studies. 2023. 5. 31-47
Takahiro Tamada, Ryoichi Kondo. A Unified Account of Mad Magazine Sentences and Non-canonical Types of How Come Construction in English. JELS. 2021. 38. 236-240
近藤亮一. EPPとthat痕跡効果に関する一考察. IVY. 2020. 53. 29-47
近藤亮一, 玉田貴裕. How come構文の歴史的変化と起源について. JELS. 2020. 37
Elementary School English Curriculum for Elementary School Teacher Trainees : English Language Proficiency, English Linguistics, and Literature in English. 2018. 22. 79-86
Satoru Kanno, Tomonori Otsuka, Yuta Tanaka, Ryoichi Kondo. Workshop Report: Copy, its Related Mechanisms and the Empirical Consequences(担当:On the Historical Changes of the (Anti-) That-Trace Effects in English). 2022. 134-135