J-GLOBAL ID:202001014381632668
Update date: Nov. 21, 2024 Hikosaka Shoko
Hikosaka Shoko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate professor
Research field (2):
, Agricultural environmental and information engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10): - 2020 - 2023 紫外線ストレスと光修復の組合せによる植物の生育および二次代謝物質生合成の促進
- 2017 - 2021 Efficient production of camptothecin by Ophiorrhiza pumila under controlled environmental
- 2015 - 2018 Control of accumulation of functional phytochemicals of leaf vegetables by UV light irradiation
- 2012 - 2016 High efficient production of medicinal plants on different growth stages under controlled environment
- 2012 - 2016 Development of an integrated simulation model by combining environment control with plant growth in a modern greenhouse
- 2010 - 2011 The study of relationship between transportation and distribution of photoassimilates among fruits under controlled environment.
- 2009 - 2011 Research on efficient production of value-added functional vegetables by environmental control
- 2005 - 2007 Increase of concentrations of valuable components in plants by controlling light and gas conditions
- 2005 - 2006 多雌花性キュウリを利用した葉および果実間の情報伝達に関する研究
- 2003 - 2004 多雌花性キュウリの果実肥大および果実間相互作用に関する研究
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Papers (75): -
Xinglin Ke, Hideo Yoshida, Shoko Hikosaka, Eiji Goto. Effect of red and blue light versus white light on fruit biomass radiation-use efficiency in dwarf tomatoes. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2024. 15
Qingxin Liu, Xinglin Ke, Hideo Yoshida, Shoko Hikosaka, Eiji Goto. Optimizing photosynthetic photon flux density and light quality for maximizing space use efficacy in edamame at the vegetative growth stage. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 2024. 8
Shoko Hikosaka, Eri Hayashi, Akimasa Nakano, Mieko Kasai, Toshitaka Yamaguchi, Toyoki Kozai. Development of LCA-Multidimensional Map (LAMP): A Platform to Support Information Sharing and Formulate CO2-Level-Reduction Plans toward Zero Emissions. Sustainability. 2023. 15. 22. 16066-16066
Fei Zhao, Hideo Yoshida, Eiji Goto, Shoko Hikosaka. Effects of Irrigation Patterns Combining Severe Wilting with Complete or Incomplete Recovery by an Irrigation Control System Based on Photographs of Plants on High-Brix Tomatoes. Horticulturae. 2023
Issue in future breakthrough technologies for achieving viticulture by plant factory with artificial light. 2023. 77. 26-30
more... MISC (178): -
彦坂晶子, 長井陽和, ZHAO F., 吉田英生, 後藤英司. High-brix tomato production using an irrigation system based on greenhouse environment and image information. 園芸学研究 別冊. 2023. 22. 1
齋藤洸太, 吉田英生, 彦坂晶子, 後藤英司. Validation of the Estimated Photosynthetic Rate of Komatsuna Leaves Using an Optical Simulation in a Plant Factory with Artificial Light. 生態工学会年次大会発表論文集. 2023. 2023
吉田英生, 彦坂晶子, 後藤英司. Effects of PPFD and light period on growth and development of the seed-propagated strawberry ‘Yotsuboshi’ during the nursery stage. 生態工学会年次大会発表論文集. 2023. 2023
加藤顕, 山口洵, 彦坂晶子, 栗木茂, 大島佳保里, 上柳燎平, 浅野涼太. 地上レーザーと深層学習による壁面緑化植物の葉面積測定. 応用生態工学会研究発表会講演集. 2022. 2022
彦坂晶子, 朝野翔一, 後藤英司. Effects of blue/red light ratio under UV-B irradiation on the growth, functional compounds and DNA damage of Komatsuna. 園芸学研究 別冊. 2022. 21. 2
more... Patents (8): Books (7): - 施設園芸学 : 植物環境工学入門
朝倉書店 2022 ISBN:9784254410433
- 薬用植物の開発と産業利用 4 人工光植物工場を利用した植物による高機能性物質生産の可能性
- Possibility of highly functional substance production by plants using plant factory with artificial light
北隆館 2019
- Smart plant factory : the next generation indoor vertical farms
Springer 2018 ISBN:9789811310645
- 植物工場経営の重要課題と対策 : 経営戦略・設備管理・栽培技術・高付加価値化・マーケティング
情報機構 2014 ISBN:9784865020533
more... Professional career (1): Committee career (4): - 2023/04 - 現在 千葉県松戸市男女共同参画推進協議会 委員(有識者)
- 2018 - 現在 農林水産省農業資材審議会 種苗分科会 分科会長代理 (2021年度~)
- 2018 - 現在 日本学術会議 連携会員
- 2013/04 - 2017/03 人事院試験問題作成委員会 委員(農業農村工学)
Awards (3): - 2022/09 - 日本生物環境工学会 植物工場普及貢献賞 第2号「SHITAシンポジウムの企画・推進」
- 2019/09 - 日本生物環境工学会 生物環境システム科学賞 「密閉型植物工場を用いた遺伝子組換え植物による医薬品原材料の効率生産に関する研究」
- 2014/09 - Environmental Control in Biology Effects of light quality on the concentration of human adiponectin in transgenic everbearing strawberry
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