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J-GLOBAL ID:202001015055645470   Update date: Feb. 01, 2024

Kamikubo Kenta

カミクボ ケンタ | Kamikubo Kenta
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Medical biochemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2020 - 2022 心筋ミオシンII構造変化に基づく肥大型心筋症の病態発症機序の解明
Papers (3):
  • Yohei Miyashita, Osamu Tsukamoto, Ken Matsuoka, Kenta Kamikubo, Yuki Kuramoto, Hai Ying Fu, Tomoya Tsubota, Hirona Hasuike, Toshio Takayama, Hiroaki Ito, et al. The CR9 element is a novel mechanical load-responsive enhancer that regulates natriuretic peptide genes expression. The FASEB Journal. 2021. 35. 4
  • Kenta Kamikubo, Osamu Tsukamoto, Yuki Uyama-Saito, Ryohei Oya, Tomoya Tsubota, Noboru Fujino, Yoshihiro Asano, Hisakazu Kato, Ken Matsuoka, Seiji Takashima. Non-Radioactive In Vitro Cardiac Myosin Light Chain Kinase Assays. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE. 2020. 160
  • Kenta Kamikubo, Hisakazu Kato, Hidetaka Kioka, Satoru Yamazaki, Osamu Tsukamoto, Yuya Nishida, Yoshihiro Asano, Hiromi Imamura, Hiroyuki Kawahara, Yasunori Shintani, et al. A molecular triage process mediated by RING finger protein 126 and BCL2-associated athanogene 6 regulates degradation of G0/G1 switch gene 2. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2019. 294. 40. 14562-14573
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(理学) (大阪大学)
Awards (1):
  • 2018/09 - 第91回日本生化学会大会 若手優秀発表賞
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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