Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2022 - 2026 政策効果研究のパラダイムシフト:マラウイの社会的保護政策と農民の望む将来
2021 - 2025 Comprehensive studies on the fall armyworm populations that invaded in Asian and African countries and their management systems
2020 - 2023 Social protection programme and poverty reduction in Africa: Insight from beneficiary household
Papers (6):
Hiroko GONO. Production or Purchase?: Social Protection Programme and Maize Consumption in Rural Malawi. Journal of African Studies. 2022. 101. 67-78
Food Security in Southern Malawi : Village case studies in the Zomba District. 2019. 30. 2. 54-62
GONO Hiroko, Tsutomu TAKANE. Impact of subsidized fertilizer price increase on rural livelihood: A case study in southern Malawi. International Journal of Development and Sustainability. 2019. 8. 2. 132-140
TAKANE Tsutomu, Hiroko GONO. Smallholder Livelihood Diversification and Income Inequality in Rural Malawi. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal. 2017. 4. 13. 40-53
GONO Hiroko, TAKANE Tsutomu. Who Should be the Beneficiaries? Community-Based Targeting of the Social Cash Transfer Programme in Malawi. Journal of African Studies. 2016. 2016. 90. 29-36
GONO Hiroko, TAKANE Tsutomu. Is Africa Advancing Food Security? Insights from Rural Households in Malawi. Tropical Agriculture and Development. 2018. 62. 1. 24-34