J-GLOBAL ID:202001019076248256
Update date: Jul. 17, 2024 Husnik Filip
フスニック フィリップ | Husnik Filip
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Assistant Professor
Homepage URL (2): https://groups.oist.jp/ja/ecbsu
https://groups.oist.jp/ecbsu Research theme for competitive and other funds (5): - 2021 - 2024 The functional role of photosynthesis-related genes in non-photosynthetic symbionts of corals
- 2021 - 2024 単細胞生物の複雑性:有孔虫サブシングルセル遺伝子発現と超微細構造解析で迫る
- 2021 - 2023 Nature vs nurture: uncovering the functional responses of stressed coral microbiomes
- 2021 - 2023 Protein import into endosymbionts becoming organelles
- 2020 - 2022 The evolutionary origin of symbiotic mosaics in mealybugs
Papers (26): -
HIROTAKA TANAKA, DAISUKE SASAKI, JINYEONG CHOI, FILIP HUSNIK, SATOSHI KAMITANI. Two new species of mealybugs (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Pseudococcidae) from Japan. Zootaxa. 2022. 5168. 3. 306-318
Stevie A. Bain, Hollie Marshall, Andrés G. de la Filia, Dominik R. Laetsch, Filip Husnik, Laura Ross. Sex-specific expression and DNA methylation in a species with extreme sexual dimorphism and paternal genome elimination. Molecular Ecology. 2021. 30. 22. 5687-5703
Yong Heng Phua, Michael C. Roy, Sarah Lemer, Filip Husnik, Kevin C. Wakeman. Diversity and toxicity of Pacific strains of the benthic dinoflagellate Coolia (Dinophyceae), with a look at the Coolia canariensis species complex. Harmful Algae. 2020. 109. 102120-102120
Ramon Massana, Aurelie Labarre, David López-Escardó, Aleix Obiol, François Bucchini, Thomas Hackl, Matthias G Fischer, Klaas Vandepoele, Denis V Tikhonenkov, Filip Husnik, et al. Gene expression during bacterivorous growth of a widespread marine heterotrophic flagellate. The ISME journal. 2020
Emma E George, Filip Husnik, Daria Tashyreva, Galina Prokopchuk, Aleš Horák, Waldan K Kwong, Julius Lukeš, Patrick J Keeling. Highly Reduced Genomes of Protist Endosymbionts Show Evolutionary Convergence. Current biology : CB. 2020. 30. 5. 925-933
more... Work history (1): - 2020/04 - 現在 Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University Evolution, Cell Biology, and Symbiosis Unit Assistant Professor
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