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J-GLOBAL ID:202001019244578194   Update date: Jan. 21, 2025


Affiliation and department:
Job title: Assistant professor
Research field  (1): Applied microbiology
Research keywords  (9): フミン酸 ,  リグニン ,  タンパク質の自己組織化 ,  足場タンパク質-酵素タンパク質間相互作用 ,  cutinase ,  hydrophobin ,  biodegradable plastics ,  polymer degradation ,  Aspergillus oryzae
Papers (16):
  • Liyun Liu, Kanae Sakai, Takumi Tanaka, Ken-Ichi Kusumoto. Morphological responses of two <i>Aspergillus oryzae</i> strains to various metal ions at different concentrations. Mycoscience. 2024. 65. 5. 216-223
  • Shouhei Miki, Kanae Sakai, Takuro Nakagawa, Takumi Tanaka, Liyun Liu, Hideyuki Yamashita, Ken-Ichi Kusumoto. Analysis of nitrogen source assimilation in industrial strains of Aspergillus oryzae. Journal of bioscience and bioengineering. 2024. 137. 4. 231-238
  • Liyun Liu, Kanae Sakai, Takumi Tanaka, Ken-Ichi Kusumoto. Subcomponents in humic acid structure contribute to the differential responses of Aspergillus oryzae strains to humic acid. The Journal of general and applied microbiology. 2023. 69. 5. 260-269
  • Nao Takahashi, Yuki Terauchi, Takumi Tanaka, Akira Yoshimi, Hiroshi Yabu, Keietsu Abe. Involvement of ionic interactions in self-assembly and resultant rodlet formation of class I hydrophobin RolA from Aspergillus oryzae. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry. 2023. 87. 8. 857-864
  • Takumi Tanaka, Yuki Terauchi, Akira Yoshimi, Keietsu Abe. Aspergillus Hydrophobins: Physicochemical Properties, Biochemical Properties, and Functions in Solid Polymer Degradation. Microorganisms. 2022. 10. 8
MISC (37):
  • 阿部菜月, 高橋尚央, 寺内裕貴, 田中拓未, 吉見啓, 藪浩, 藪浩, 阿部敬悦. Contribution of N-terminal positively charged residues to the self-assembly of hydrophobin RolA from Aspergillus oryzae. 日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集. 2023. 75th
  • 高橋尚央, 寺内裕貴, 田中拓未, 吉見啓, 藪浩, 藪浩, 阿部敬悦. Molecular mechanism of the self-assembly of hydrophobin RolA from Aspergillus oryzae. 日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集. 2023. 75th
  • 一ノ瀬恵, 井谷綾花, 細田柊志, 高谷直樹, 織田健, 山下秀行, 酒井香奈江, 田中拓未, 楠本憲一, 竹下典男. Correlation between nuclear increase, enzyme production and morphogenesis in Asperillus oryzae. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2023. 2023
  • 井田大輝, 寺内裕貴, 田中拓未, 吉見啓, 宮澤拳, 三ツ石方也, 藪浩, 藪浩, 阿部敬悦. Analysis of Self-Assembly Mechanism and Surface Activity of Hydrophobin RolA, a Surfactant Protein from A. oryzae. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2023. 2023
  • 田中拓未, 三浦敦宏, 田中瑞己, 北本宏子. Identification and functional analysis of the C2H2 transcription factor Mig1 from the basidiomycetous yeast Pseudozyma antarctica. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2022. 2022
Books (1):
  • Advances in industrial applications of yeasts, koji-molds, and lactic acid bacteria
    2018 ISBN:9784781313177
Lectures and oral presentations  (93):
  • The effect of lignin on the growth of Aspergillus oryzae
    (The 22th Conference on Fungal Genetics and Molecular Biology 2023)
  • Searching the possible reason of different growth in RIB40 and RIB143 responding to humic acid
    (The 22th Conference on Fungal Genetics and Molecular Biology 2023)
  • Hydrophilic-hydrophobic interface specific self-assembly of hydrophobin RolA from Aspergillus oryzae
    (The 22th Conference on Fungal Genetics and Molecular Biology 2023)
  • Correlation between nuclear increase, enzyme production and morphogenesis in Asperillus oryzae
    (The 22th Conference on Fungal Genetics and Molecular Biology 2023)
  • The effect of Lignin to the growth and morphology of Aspergillus oryzae
    (The Society for Biotechnology, Japan / Annual Meeting, 2023 2023)
Professional career (3):
  • Bachelor (Tohoku University)
  • Master (Tohoku University)
  • Doctor (Tohoku University)
Awards (1):
  • 2022/03 - 国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 農環研若手研究者奨励賞 生分解性プラスチック分解酵素生産菌の改良による酵素大量生産方法の開発
Association Membership(s) (7):
Japan Society For Molecular Biology of Filamentous Fungi ,  Yeast Genetics Society of Japan ,  The Society of Yeast Sciences ,  The Meeting of Industrial Non-Conventional Yeasts (MINCY) ,  Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry ,  The Society for Biotechnology, Japan ,  Fungal Genetics and Molecular Biology
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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