Susumu Annaka, Kyoka Omata. The Effects of the Number of Voters on Voter Turnout in the Prewar General Elections in Japan Held by Restricted Suffrage. 2024. 1-26
安中進. 書評:遠藤薫他編『災禍の時代の社会学』東京大学出版会. 『図書新聞』. 2024
How Does Political Regime Affect Economic Prosperity and Health?. 2022. No.74. Economy
Public Behavioural Responses to Policy Making during the Pandemic: Comparative Perspectives on Mask-Wearing Policies
Routledge 2022
Lectures and oral presentations (67):
To be a Candidate under Restricted Suffrage in Prewar Japan General Elections :Electoral Fraud thorough Land Transfer?
(第49回弘前大学経済学会 2024)
(日本政治学会2024年度研究大会 2024)
(青森県立八戸高校出張講義 2024)
To be a Candidate under Restricted Suffrage in Prewar Japan General Elections :Electoral Fraud thorough Land Transfer?
(東京大学社会科学研究所第2回Political Science研究会 2024)
COVID-19 Infection, Interpersonal Trust, and Trust in Government-sponsored Information: Evidence from Japan
(the WAPOR 77th and WAPOR Asia Pacific 7th Joint Annual Conference)