J-GLOBAL ID:202001020699271729
Update date: Nov. 11, 2024 Morita Takeshi
モリタ タケシ | Morita Takeshi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (3):
Basic physical chemistry
, Nanostructure chemistry
, Nanomaterials
Research keywords (7):
mesoscopic structure
, fluctuation
, small-angle X-ray scattering
, differential thermodynamics
, nanoparticle
, supercritical fluid
, ionic liquid
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - 2022 - 2026 Study on the origin of sustained drug releasability of polymeric nanomicelles based on clarifying the interaction potential surface
- 2020 - 2022 融合成長機構によるマルチハイブリッド型合金ナノ材料の創製と物性解明
- 2018 - 2021 Determination of Structural Fluctuation for Supercritical Solutions Based on Diffraction Experiments
- 2015 - 2018 Structural fluctuation of supercritical solutions using anomalous small-angle X-ray scattering method
- 2012 - 2015 CO2 Absorption Mechanism by Ionic liquid Using In-situ Raman and Small-angle X-ray Scattering Measurements
- 2006 - 2007 超臨界水溶液の混合状態・ゆらぎ構造を支配する因子の解明
- 2004 - 2005 ゆらぎ構造からみた超臨界水中の塩・希ガス・アルコール分子周囲の局所密度変化
- 1998 - 2000 構造とゆらぎから見た超臨界流体のクラスタリングの研究
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Papers (82): -
Yasuhiro Yamada, Takeru Oki, Takeshi Morita, Takumi Yamada, Mitsuki Fukuda, Shuhei Ichikawa, Kazunobu Kojima, Yoshihiko Kanemitsu. Optical Cooling of Dot-in-Crystal Halide Perovskites: Challenges of Nonlinear Exciton Recombination. Nano Letters. 2024. 24. 11255-11261
Takeshi Morita, Yusuke Torii, Hiroshi Imamura, Teruki Kadota, Fumie Sakuma, Kenjirou Higashi, Tomonari Sumi. Pair Potential between Poloxamer 407 Micelles in 14 wt % Aqueous Solution Clarifying the Sol-Gel-Sol Transition by Temperature Rise. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2024. 15. 7909-7915
Fumie Sakuma, Kenjirou Higashi, Keisuke Ueda, Takeshi Morita, Daisuke Iohara, Fumitoshi Hirayama, Kunikazu Moribe. Effect of Acetaminophen on Poloxamer 407 Micelles and Hydrogels: The Relationship between Structural and Physical Properties. Langmuir. 2024. 40. 15610-15620
Jun Abe, Hiroshi Arima-Osonoi, Hiroki Iwase, Shin-ichi Takata, Kei-ichi Ohuchi, Satoshi Kasai, Tsukasa Miyazaki, Takeshi Morita, Mitsuhiro Shibayama. A high-temperature high-pressure small-angle neutron scattering cell for studying hydrothermal reactions in supercritical water. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 2024. 57. 2. 306-313
Takeshi Morita, Shunki Ogawa, Tomotaka Kayama, Wataru Ono, Shinya Tamura, Kazuki Umeda, Tsubasa Iwamatsu, Nobuo Uehara, Takehisa Konishi. Element-ratio dependence of the 5d-states of Au and Pt in solid-solution-type Au-Pt alloy nanoparticles studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and density functional theory. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2023. 25. 40. 27417-27426
more... MISC (11): -
森田剛. 理学研究フロント「メゾスケールの複雑な凝集構造の解明に挑む」. 千葉大学理学部ニュース No.57. 2022
森田 剛. 凝集体のサイズと階層構造評価. えねるみくす. 2019. 98. 6. 659-664
Hydrophobicity/Hydrophilicity of Constituent Ions of Ionic Liquids Based on Differential Thermodynamics. 2015. 42. 3. 90-96
森田剛. Report of COIL5 5th Congress on Ionic Liquids (COIL5) に参加して. イオン液体研究会 サーキュラー. 2013. No. 1. 11-11
森田 剛. 変わりものどうしを混ぜる-イオン液体と水の混合状態を利用した新しい反応場. 化学4月号(化学同人). 2013. 68. 68-69
more... Patents (1): Books (3): - 高圧力の科学・技術事典
朝倉書店 2022 ISBN:9784254102970
- 実験化学講座(第五版)
丸善株式会社 2006
- 実験化学講座(第五版)
丸善株式会社 2005
Lectures and oral presentations (22): -
コアサイズを変化させた金ナノ粒子と機能性高分子の複合体の 凝集状態およびSERS強度変化
(第18回分子科学討論会 2024)
Au及びAgナノクラスターを出発物質とした 様々なコア/シェル比率のコアシェル型合金ナノ粒子の合成と成長機構
(第18回分子科学討論会 2024)
(PF研究会「物質・生命研究における小角散乱法の展開:現状と展望のための討論会」 2024)
(第17回分子科学討論会 2023)
(第17回分子科学討論会 2023)
more... Education (3): - 1997 - 2000 Chiba University
- 1995 - 1997 Yokohama National University
- 1991 - 1995 Yokohama National University
Professional career (1): - Doctor of Science (Chiba University)
Work history (10): - 2017/04 - 現在 Chiba University Graduate School of Science Associate Professor
- 2014/05 - 2017/03 Chiba University Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science Associate Professor
- 2010/04 - 2014/04 Chiba University Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science Assistant Professor
- 2012/12 - 2013/02 Roskilde大学(Denmark) Department of Life Sciences and Chemistry 客員研究員
- 2011/12 - 2012/02 Roskilde大学(Denmark) Department of Life Sciences and Chemistry 客員研究員
- 2009/04 - 2010/03 Aichi University of Education Faculty of Education Associate Professor
- 2006/04 - 2009/03 Aichi University of Education Faculty of Education Lecturer
- 2003/04 - 2006/03 Chiba University Graduate School of Science and Technology Research Assistant
- 2000/04 - 2003/03 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Faculty of Engineering Research Assistant
- 1998/04 - 2000/03 日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC2)
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Committee career (6): Awards (1): - 2001/09 - 日本化学会第80秋季年会(2001) 優秀講演賞 小角X線散乱法による水素結合性超臨界流体のゆらぎ
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本化学会
, ナノ学会
, イオン液体研究会
, 日本熱測定学会
, 日本金属学会
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