J-GLOBAL ID:202101004388133367
Update date: Nov. 28, 2024 Fukuba Tatsuhiro
フクバ タツヒロ | Fukuba Tatsuhiro
Affiliation and department: Research field (3):
Marine and maritime engineering
, Measurement engineering
, Nano/micro-systems
Research keywords (2):
, マイクロ流体システム
Research theme for competitive and other funds (16): - 2023 - 2026 Extreme Environment MicroTAS with Power Saving Micro Pumping Technology towards Multi-Scale underwater measurement
- 2023 - 2026 細胞から環境水へと繋ぐスケール横断分析:マイクロ流体デバイスで挑む物質動態の調査
- 2022 - 2025 エゾアワビの地域個体群維持メカニズムにおける再生産・加入過程の解明
- 2022 - 2025 エゾアワビの地域個体群維持メカニズムにおける再生産・加入過程の解明
- 2019 - 2023 Creation of innovative on-site nano-measurement technology for marine resource exploration and environmental measurement
- 2018 - 2021 Innovation on in situ biogeochemical measurement with advanced flow-analysis and optical sensing technology
- 2016 - 2019 Development of autonomous in situ biopsy system for deep-sea top predators
- 2014 - 2018 Development and deployment of multipoint optical fiber chemical sensor system towards multidimensional visualization of marine bio/chemical environment
- 2013 - 2017 Study on static and dynamic structure in nano-interfacial space by electrical impedance spectroscopy
- 2012 - 2014 Demonstration of thermal fluctuation temperature sensor using nano-gap electrode
- 2010 - 2012 Development and deployment of a multifunctional sensor for an integrated measurement operation in ocean environments
- 2008 - 2012 Biogeochemical impact of TAIGA flux to deep sea environment
- 2005 - 2009 Deep-sea deployment of a Microfabricated In Situ Gene Analysis System and Its Functional Sophistication
- 2007 - 2008 Development and field application of in situ metal ion quantitative analysis system with microfabrication technique
- 2006 - 2007 システムバイオロジーに向けた細胞活性リアルタイム分析用プラットホームの構築
- 2003 - 2004 マイクロ加工技術を応用した現場型微生物遺伝子解析装置の開発
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Papers (55): -
Shinsuke Kawagucci, Yohei Matsui, Akiko Makabe, Tatsuhiro Fukuba, Yuji Onishi, Takuro Nunoura, Taichi Yokokawa. Hydrogen and carbon isotope fractionation factors of aerobic methane oxidation in deep-sea water. Biogeosciences. 2021
Aya Takeuchi, Takatoshi Higuchi, Shun Watanabe, Michael J. Miller, Ritsuno Yama, Tatsuhiro Fukuba, Akihiro Okamura, Tatsufumi Okino, Tetsuya Miwa, Katsumi Tsukamoto. Several possible spawning sites of the Japanese eel determined from collections of their eggs and preleptocephali. FISHERIES SCIENCE. 2021. 87. 3. 339-352
Tatsuhiro Fukuba, Teruo Fujii. Lab-on-a-chip technology for in situ combined observations in oceanography. LAB ON A CHIP. 2021. 21. 1. 55-74
Jin-Kyu Choi, Tatsuhiro Fukuba. LEMON Lander Pilot Frame to Accurately Position Long-Term Seafloor Observatory. SEA TECHNOLOGY. 2019. 60. 4. 26-28
Tatsuhiro Fukuba, Yuki Sano. Application of 3D-printed microfluidic device and miniature photodetection technology towards photometry-based biochemical analsysis in Deep-SEA. 23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2019. 2019. 1158-1159
more... MISC (1): -
FUKUBA T. Development of an Integrated in situ Analyzer for Quantitative Analysis of Microbial ATP in Aquatic Environments. International Symposium on Underwater Technology 2007 (Tokyo, Japan), Proceedings. 2007. 240-244
Patents (1): Books (7): - マイクロ流体技術による海洋化学・生化学計測
- マイクロ流体デバイス技術を応用した現場計測システムー深海環境における化学・生化学現場分析と光検出-
- 可搬型装置が拓く資源探査・海洋科学の新時代
- The Irabu Knoll: Hydrothermal Site at the Eastern Edge of the Yaeyama Graben
Subseafloor Biosphere Linked to Global Hydrothermal Systems; TAIGA Concept / Springer Japan, Tokyo 2014
- マイクロ流体デバイスを用いた海洋計測
more... Lectures and oral presentations (58): -
more... Education (3): - 2001 - 2004 The University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Engineering Department of Ennironmental and Ocean Engineering
- 1999 - 2001 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Biosphere Science
- 1995 - 1999 Hiroshima University Faculty of Applied Biological Science
Work history (9): - 2018/11 - 現在 The University of Tokyo Institute of Industrial Science
- 2012/04 - 現在 Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
- 2016/04 - 2019/03 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Biosphere Science
- 2016/09 - 2017/03 The University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Engineering
- 2008/08 - 2012/03 The University of Tokyo Institute of Industrial Science
- 2007/04 - 2008/07 The University of Tokyo Institute of Industrial Science
- 2005/04 - 2007/03 The University of Tokyo Institute of Industrial Science
- 2004/04 - 2005/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- 2003/04 - 2004/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
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Committee career (5): - 2020 - 2020 International Symposium on Underwater Technology 2021 (UT21), 技術委員, 実行委員
- 2016 - 2016 Program committee
- 2013 - 2013 International Symposium on Underwater Technology 2013 (UT13), プログラム委員, 現地組織委員
- 2012 - 2012 The 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (microTAS2012), 代表技術委員, 実行委員
- 2011 - 2011 International Symposium on Underwater Technology 2011 (UT11), 技術委員, 現地組織委員
Awards (1): - 2010/10 - テクノオーシャン・ネットワーク 海のフロンティアを拓く岡村健二賞
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 電気化学会 化学センサ研究会
, 海洋理工学会
, 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会
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