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J-GLOBAL ID:202101005365853610   Update date: Jan. 10, 2025

Nakajima Noriaki

ナカジマ ノリアキ | Nakajima Noriaki
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (2): Zoological sciences ,  Animal production science
Research keywords  (7): 動物行動学 ,  動物栄養学 ,  抗体工学 ,  血液学 ,  牛 ,  放牧 ,  草地学
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2023 - 2026 Conservation of diverse grassland from a view of the physiological ecology of grazing animals
Papers (11):
  • Noriaki Nakajima, Katsuki Hanamura. Influence of Fix Schedule on the Location Accuracy of a Low-Cost GPS Data Logger on Cattle. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. 2024. 1-8
  • Noriaki Nakajima, Kazuya Doi, Sae Tamiya, Masato Yayota. Potential impact of botanically diverse pasture on the nutritional, physiological, and immunological status of grazing cows. Grassland Science. 2021. 68. 2. 155-164
  • Noriaki Nakajima, Hiroki Mitsuishi, Masato Yayota. Temperament Trait Changes in Japanese Black Cows Under Grazing and Confined Conditions. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 2021. 8. 705764-705764
  • Noriaki Nakajima, Kazuya Doi, Sae Tamiya, Masato Yayota. Effects of Grazing in a Sown Pasture with Forestland on the Health of Japanese Black Cows as Evaluated by Multiple Indicators. Journal of applied animal welfare science : JAAWS. 2020. 1-15
  • Kazuya Doi, Sae Tamiya, Noriaki Nakajima, Masato Yayota. Sustainable goat grazing for managing abandoned fields: Dynamics of vegetation quality, quantity and nutritional status of goats over five years. Grassland Science. 2020. 66. 1. 16-28
MISC (5):
  • 中嶋紀覚. 牛の放牧管理:牛の健康に対する放牧の効果:生理、栄養、行動および免疫からの多面的評価. 臨床獣医. 2022
  • 八代田真人, 土井和也, 中嶋紀覚. 動物と草地の科学:放牧による里山の保全と利用. 生物の科学 遺伝. 2021. 75. 2. 99-104
  • NAKAJIMA Noriaki, DOI Kazuya, TAMIYA Sae, YAYOTA Masato. Physiological and Immunological Differences in Cattle under Grazing or Confinement Condition. Journal of Integrated Field Science. 2017. 14. 106-106
  • TAMIYA Sae, DOI Kazuya, NAKAJIMA Noriaki, OGURA Shin-ichiro, YAYOTA Masato. Effect of Plant Diversity on Ruminal Degradability of Goats Grazing in a Semi-natural Pasture. Journal of Integrated Field Science. 2017. 14. 107-107
  • Junya Ito, Noriaki Nakajima, Chika Suzukamo, Daisuke Sano, Shuhei Sugio, Makoto Nakada, Naomi Kashiwazaki. Treatment with MG132, a proteasome inhibitor, through somatic cell nuclear transfer improves survival and pronuclear number of reconstructed rat embryos. BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION. 2008. 152-153
Patents (2):
  • 血中フィラリア幼虫の検出方法、血液分析装置、及びコンピュータプログラム
  • 抗FDP モノクローナル抗体、それを用いたFDP 測定用試薬及び試薬キット、並びにFDP 測定方法
Lectures and oral presentations  (14):
  • 視界遮断が牛の脱柵関連行動に及ぼす影響
    (日本草地学会 帯広大会 2024)
  • 中山間地域の草地における緩和渦集積法を用いたアンモニア交換フラックス観測
    (第65回大気環境学会年会 2024)
  • Effect of grazing on cattle health and characteristics
    (The Eighth China-Japan-Korea Grassland Conference 2024)
  • 放牧が牛の健康に及ぼす影響:生理学、栄養学、免疫学、行動学的指標を用いた評価
    (動物の行動と管理学会公開シンポジウム 2019)
  • Potential of diverse pasture for improving physiological and immunological status in grazing cattle
    (The 7th Japan-China-Korea Grassland Conference 2018)
Education (3):
  • 2016 - 2019 Gifu University The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science
  • 2006 - 2008 Azabu University
  • 2002 - 2006 Azabu University School of Veterinary Medicine Department of Animal Science and Biotechnology
Professional career (2):
  • 博士(農学) (岐阜大学)
  • 修士(動物応用科学) (麻布大学)
Work history (4):
  • 2021/08 - 現在 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Faculty of Agriculture Field Science Center
  • 2019/05 - 2021/05 岡山県新見市役所 地域おこし協力隊
  • 2012/10 - 2016/03 シスメックス株式会社 ヘマトロジープロダクトエンジニアリング本部 開発職
  • 2008/04 - 2012/09 シスメックス株式会社 技術開発本部 開発職
Awards (3):
  • 2019/11 - 公益社団法人 発明協会 発明奨励賞 ”血液凝固、線溶機能検査用FDP測定試薬(特許 第5903381号)”
  • 2018/07 - Young Scientist Award Potential of diverse pasture for improving physiological and immunological status in grazing cattle
  • 2016/11 - Best Presentation Award Physiological and immunological differences in cattle under grazing or confinement condition
Association Membership(s) (3):
日本畜産学会 ,  日本草地学会 ,  動物の行動と管理学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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