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J-GLOBAL ID:202101005557099498   Update date: Aug. 05, 2024

Kikushima Kenji

キクシマ ケンジ | Kikushima Kenji
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2020 - 2023 Regulation of distribution of motor proteins in synapse by ubiquitin ligase
  • 2014 - 2015 マウス生体内におけるマクロファージの非侵襲イメージング技術開発
  • 2011 - 2012 Functional and single-molecular analysis of neutrophil in vivo by non-invasive mesurements
Papers (35):
  • Eisuke Tasaki, Yuki Mitaka, Yutaka Takahashi, A S M Waliullah, Zinat Tamannaa, Takumi Sakamoto, Ariful Islam, Masaki Kamiya, Tomohito Sato, Shuhei Aramaki, et al. The royal food of termites shows king and queen specificity. PNAS Nexus. 2023
  • Shuhei Aramaki, Shogo Tsuge, Ariful Islam, Fumihiro Eto, Takumi Sakamoto, Soho Oyama, Wenxin Li, Chi Zhang, Shinichi Yamaguchi, Daiki Takatsuka, et al. Lipidomics-based tissue heterogeneity in specimens of luminal breast cancer revealed by clustering analysis of mass spectrometry imaging: A preliminary study. PloS one. 2023. 18. 5. e0283155
  • Yashuang Ping, Kenji Ohata, Kenji Kikushima, Takumi Sakamoto, Ariful Islam, Lili Xu, Hengsen Zhang, Bin Chen, Jing Yan, Fumihiro Eto, et al. Tubulin Polyglutamylation by TTLL1 and TTLL7 Regulate Glutamate Concentration in the Mice Brain. Biomolecules. 2023. 13. 5. 784
  • Fumito Sano, Kenji Kikushima, Seico Benner, Lili Xu, Tomoaki Kahyo, Hidenori Yamasue, Mitsutoshi Setou. Associations between prefrontal PI (16:0/20:4) lipid, TNC mRNA, and APOA1 protein in schizophrenia: A trans-omics analysis in post-mortem brain. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2023. 14. 1145437
  • Lili Xu, Kenji Kikushima, Shumpei Sato, Ariful Islam, Tomohito Sato, Shuhei Aramaki, Chi Zhang, Takumi Sakamoto, Fumihiro Eto, Yutaka Takahashi, et al. Spatial distribution of the Shannon entropy for mass spectrometry imaging. PloS one. 2023. 18. 4. e0283966
MISC (20):
  • 菊島健児, XU Lili, ISLAM Ariful, 佐藤智仁, 荒牧修平, ZHANG Chi, 坂本匠, 高橋豊, 華表友暁, 瀬藤光利. マウス腎臓老化に伴う質量分析イメージングから得られる情報エントロピー変化の可視化. 日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会講演プログラム・抄録集. 2022. 127th (CD-ROM)
  • Islam Ariful, Zhai Qing, Yan Jing, Nabi Md. Mahamodun, Al Mamun Md., Kikushima Kenji, Kahyo Tomoaki, Setou Mitsutoshi. 野生型マウスにおける脳内2-arachidonoylglycerolとプロスタグランジン類にストレスが及ぼす影響(Effects of stress on brain 2-arachidonoylglycerol and prostaglandins in wild type mice). 脂質生化学研究. 2021. 63. 140-141
  • 菊島 健児, 中尾 龍馬. 高速原子間力顕微鏡を用いた大腸菌からの外膜ヴェシクル放出の観察(Observation of the OMV production from Escherichia coli by high-speed atomic force microscopy). 日本細菌学雑誌. 2015. 70. 1. 156-156
  • Kikushima Kenji, Nakao Ryoma, Higuchi Hideo. 細菌感染 量子ドットを用いたPorphyromonas gingivalis感染のイメージング(Bacterial Infection Imaging of Porphyromonas gingivalis infection using quantum dots). 日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録. 2014. 43. Proceedings. 204-204
  • Kikushima Kenji, Higuchi Hideo. 蛍光量子ドットを用いた細胞内高速小胞輸送機構の解明(Mechanism of high-speed vesicular transport inside cells explored by using quantum dots). 生物物理. 2014. 54. Suppl.1-2. S172-S172
Education (3):
  • The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Doctoral Program Department of Biological Sciences
  • The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Department of Biological Sciences
  • The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science Department of Physics
Professional career (1):
  • Ph.D. in Science (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (6):
  • 2024/04 - 現在 Kochi Gakuen University Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Health Science Professor
  • 2022/02 - 2024/03 Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences Department of Integrative Anatomy
  • 2019/04 - 2022/01 Hamamatsu University School of Medicine Department of Cellular and Molecular Anatomy
  • 2016/10 - 2018/11 Helsingin yliopisto Biotekniikan instituutti Tutkijatohtori
  • 2010/08 - 2015/03 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Department of Physics
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Committee career (1):
  • 2019/04 - 現在 JSCA Mamager
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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