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J-GLOBAL ID:202101005944017521   Update date: Jan. 16, 2025

sakai kazunari

サカイ カズナリ | sakai kazunari
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (2): Environmental effects of chemicals ,  Marine/Aquatic life sciences
Research keywords  (1): 糸状菌
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2020 - 2023 食虫植物に内生する真菌を用いた農薬リード化合物の探索
  • 2018 - 2020 search for an "unlocker" compounds from microbial secondary metabolites which release the ability of secondary metabolites production in fungi.
Papers (18):
  • Haruki Azami, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Kazunari Sakai, Hiroki Nakahara, Hiroki Kojima, Toshiyuki Tokiwa, Kenichi Nonaka, Yoshihiko Noguchi, Yuriko Nagano, Tomoyasu Hirose, et al. Antifungal profile against Candida auris clinical isolates of tyroscherin and its new analog produced by the deep-sea-derived fungal strain Scedosporium apiospermum FKJ-0499. The Journal of antibiotics. 2024
  • Aoi Kimishima, Yuki Suzuki, Shohei Kosaka, Masako Honsho, Sota Honma, Kazunari Sakai, Hayama Tsutsumi, Yuki Inahashi, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Masato Iwatsuki, et al. Design and Synthesis of D-Ala-D-Ala Silica Gel for A Binding Mode-Based Physico-chemical Screening Method. ACS Omega. 2023
  • Naozumi Kondo, Aoi Kimishima, Serino Maruyama, Sota Honma, Atsuka Nishitomi, Kazunari Sakai, Masako Honsho, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Masato Iwatsuki, Yukihiro Asami. Synthesis and Insecticidal Activity Evaluation of Potential Insecticidal Natural Product Borrelidin Analogs Toward New Pesticides. ACS Agricultural Science & Technology. 2023. 3. 8. 648-656
  • Aoi Kimishima, Sota Negami, Iori Tsuruoka, Hayama Tsutsumi, Hidehito Matsui, Miho Sugamata, Naozumi Kondo, Masako Honsho, Kazunari Sakai, Sota Honma, et al. Re-evaluation and a Structure-Activity Relationship Study for the Selective Anti-anaerobic Bacterial Activity of Luminamicin toward Target Identification. ACS Infectious Diseases. 2023
  • Aoi Kimishima, Kazunari Sakai, Masako Honsho, Hidehito Matsui, Paul Wasuwanich, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Masato Iwatsuki, Toshiaki Sunazuka, Naoaki Arima, Kazutoyo Abe, et al. A combination strategy of a semisynthetic macrolide, 5-O-mycaminosyltylonolide with polymyxin B nonapeptide for multi-drug resistance P. aeruginosa. The Journal of Antibiotics. 2023
MISC (3):
  • 君嶋葵, 君嶋葵, 大野悠樹, 坂井克行, 酒井一成, 本庄雅子, 本庄雅子, KAMRUN Naher, 常盤俊之, 小島裕貴, et al. Discovery of a novel antifungal compound, sakurafusariene, utilizing multidrug-sensitive budding yeast and a fraction library. 日本農薬学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM). 2024. 49th
  • 鶴岡伊織, 君嶋葵, 君嶋葵, 菅藤裕貴, 堤隼馬, 堤隼馬, 有馬直明, 酒井一成, 菅又美穂, 菅又美穂, et al. Rediscovery of tetronomycin as a broad-spectrum and potent antibiotic against drug-resistant gram-positive bacteria. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2023. 2023
  • 近藤直純, 酒井一成, 酒井一成, 君嶋葵, 君嶋葵, 岩月正人, 岩月正人, 野中健一, 野中健一, 浅見行弘, et al. Exploration of novel compounds from insect gut derived basidiomycetous yeast. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2022. 2022
Lectures and oral presentations  (9):
  • Search for“unlocker“compounds from microbial secondary metabolites which release the ability of secondary metabolites production in fungi
    (日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web) 2020)
  • 昆虫由来真菌の分離・分類および機能解析
    (日本菌学会大会講演要旨集 2019)
  • 深海由来糸状菌培養物からの抗ミズカビ化合物の探索
    (日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web) 2017)
  • 深海由来糸状菌培養物からの抗ミズカビ化合物の探索
    (ブルーアース要旨集 2017)
  • 伊豆半島菌類の生物活性物質生産菌としての有用性に関する研究
    (日本菌学会大会講演要旨集 2016)
Education (2):
  • 2013 - 2015 Kitasato University Graduate School of Infectioncontrol Sciences
  • 2004 - 2008 Kitasato University School of Science
Work history (3):
  • 2022/01 - 現在 Kitasato University Omura satoshi memorial institute
  • 2021/04 - 2021/12 北里大学大村智記念研究所 微生物応用化学研究室 助手
  • 2020/04 - 2021/03 Kitasato University Omura Satoshi Memorial Institute
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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