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J-GLOBAL ID:202101007317634763   Update date: Sep. 24, 2024

Matsumoto Kimihisa

マツモト キミヒサ | Matsumoto Kimihisa
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Nanomaterials
Research keywords  (4): surface termination ,  luminescence ,  rice husks ,  semiconductor nanomaterials
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2020 - 2023 多チャンネル同期サンプリングによる超解像度技術に関する研究
  • 2017 - 2020 Development of super resolution technology beyond Nyquist frequency by simultaneous multiple sampling
  • 2014 - 2018 Development of detection method for alveolar canal in dental implant treatment
Papers (43):
  • Akira Banno, Kimihisa Matsumoto, Kazuhide Kamiya, So Ito. Preparation of Si nanoparticles from bamboo leaves and measurement of their photoluminescence and electroluminescence spectra. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2023. 63. 1. 01SP13-01SP13
  • Masakazu Aruga, So Ito, Daichi Kato, Kimihisa Matsumoto, Kazuhide Kamiya. Investigation of probing repeatability inside a micro-hole by changing probe approach direction for a local surface interaction force detection type microprobe. Frontiers in Manufacturing Technology. 2023. 3
  • Masakazu ARUGA, So ITO, Fuma TSUGAWA, Kimihisa MATSUMOTO, Kazuhide KAMIYA. Expansion of measurement area of hand-scraped surface using stitching method for oblique-incident interferometer. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing. 2023. 17. 1. JAMDSM0010-JAMDSM0010
  • Kimihisa Matsumoto, Kazuhide Kamiya, So Ito, Hidehiro Yasuda. Preparation of undecanoic acid-terminated Si particles from rice husks. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2022. 61. SB
  • So Ito, Daiki Kameoka, Kimihisa Matsumoto, Kazuhide Kamiya. Design and Development of Oblique-Incident Interferometer for Form Measurement of Hand-Scraped Surfaces. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology. 2021. 4. 2. 69-76
MISC (3):
  • 神谷和秀, 松本公久, 野村俊, 田代発造, 鈴木伸哉. Fringe Pattern Analysis Using Two-step Fourier Transform Method. 精密工学会誌(Web). 2015. 81. 5
  • 鈴木伸哉, 神谷和秀, 松本公久, 岩塚健一, 前田幸男, 野村俊. Study on Tool Tip Position Measurement Detection of Tools Using Optical Imaging System (2nd Report) Influence of Numerical Aperture on Tool Tip Position Measurement of Square End Mill by Optical Simulation. 精密工学会誌(Web). 2014. 80. 6
  • Study of silicon nanocrystal prepared by pulsed laser ablation in H_2 gas. Memoirs of Konan University Science and engineering series. 2002. 49. 1. 17-23
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (Kobe University)
Association Membership(s) (3):
日本MRS ,  精密工学会 ,  応用物理学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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