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J-GLOBAL ID:202101007884448415   Update date: Oct. 01, 2022

Ono Masao

オノ マサオ | Ono Masao
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (7):
  • 同じ回転運動を遠心力印加と高周波加熱に用いた高温遠心システムの開発
  • スピン流と力学運動の交差する角運動量変換物性の開拓
  • Mo酸塩水溶液を原料としたMo同位体分離法の開発(同位体分離挙動の解明)
  • スピン注入流体駆動の研究
  • スピンと巨視的回転の相互作用が切り拓くスピントロニクスの新展開
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Papers (34):
  • Imai Masaki, Chudo Hiroyuki, Ono Masao, Harii Kazuya, Matsuo Mamoru, Onuma Yuichi*, Maekawa Sadamichi, Saito Eiji. Angular momentum compensation manipulation to room temperature of the ferrimagnet Ho$_{3-x}$Dy$_{x}$Fe$_5$O$_{12}$ detected by the Barnett effect. Applied Physics Letters. 2019. 114. 16. 162402\_1-162402\_4
  • Imai Masaki, Ogata Yudai*, Chudo Hiroyuki, Ono Masao, Harii Kazuya, Matsuo Mamoru*, Onuma Yuichi*, Maekawa Sadamichi, Saito Eiji. Observation of gyromagnetic reversal. Applied Physics Letters. 2018. 113. 5. 052402\_1-052402\_3
  • Ogata Yudai, Chudo Hiroyuki, Gu B., Kobayashi Nobukiyo*, Ono Masao, Harii Kazuya, Matsuo Mamoru, Saito Eiji, Maekawa Sadamichi. Enhanced orbital magnetic moment in FeCo nanogranules observed by Barnett effect. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2017. 442. 329-331
  • Ogata Yudai, Chudo Hiroyuki, Ono Masao, Harii Kazuya, Matsuo Mamoru, Maekawa Sadamichi, Saito Eiji. Gyroscopic $g$ factor of rare earth metals. Applied Physics Letters. 2017. 110. 7. 072409\_1-072409\_4
  • Takahashi Ryo*, Matsuo Mamoru, Ono Masao, Harii Kazuya, Chudo Hiroyuki, Okayasu Satoru, Ieda Junichi, Takahashi Saburo*, Maekawa Sadamichi, Saito Eiji. Spin hydrodynamic generation. Nature Physics. 2016. 12. 52-56
MISC (3):
  • Mashimo Tsutomu, Iguchi Yusuke*, Bagum R.*, Sano Tomokazu*, Sakata Osami*, Ono Masao, Okayasu Satoru. Formation of multi-layer structures in Bi$_{3}$Pb$_{7}$ intermetallic compounds under an ultra-high gravitational field. AIP Conference Proceedings 973. 2008. 502-505
  • Ono Masao, Iguchi Yusuke*, Bagum R.*, Fujii Kimio, Okayasu Satoru, Esaka Fumitaka, Mashimo Tsutomu*. Ultracentrifuge experiment on an Mg-Cd order-disorder alloy. AIP Conference Proceedings 973. 2008. 476-481
  • Ono Masao, Huang X. S.*, Shibata Yasuhiro*, Iguchi Yusuke*, Sakai Seiji, Maekawa Masaki, Chen Z. Q.*, Osakabe Toyotaka, Kawasuso Atsuo, Naramoto Hiroshi*, et al. Positron lifetime measurement on centrifuged Bi$_{3}$Pb$_{7}$ intermetallic compound. Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids (DSL 2005). 2005. 531-533
Patents (4):
  • 磁性熱電変換素子及びそれを含む熱電変換システム
  • 計測機能付き軸受
  • 同位体を分離・濃縮するための方法及び該方法に使用するロータ
  • 高性能材料の製造方法
Lectures and oral presentations  (45):
  • Research on interaction between spin and macroscopic motion
  • Anomalous properties of Y$_{3}$Fe$_{5}$O$_{12}$ and magnetic inelastic neutron scattering
  • Spin pumping and neutron magnetic scattering on Y$_3$Fe$_5$O$_{12}$ under ultrasound irradiation
  • Control of the angular momentum compensation temperature in the ferrimagnetic garnet $R_3$Fe$_5$O$_{12}$($R$= rare earth elements
  • Direct observation of the angular momentum compensation point by Barnett effect
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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