Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2021 - 2025 唾液腺発生における神経-器官相互作用の分子機構の解明と機能再生技術への応用
2022 - 2024 唾液腺の発生期に副交感神経が筋上皮細胞の分化に及ぼす作用の検討
Papers (9):
真藤 裕基, 若森 実, 中井 淳一, 中村 卓史. 副交感神経から分泌されるアセチルコリン(ACh)が、唾液腺の発生過程で筋上皮細胞の分化誘導と機能的器官内配置を決定している(Acetylcholine(ACh), a parasympathetic neurotransmitter, orchestrates the induction and the positioning of myoepithelial cells in developing salivary glands). Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement. 2022. 2022. 250-250
Yuki Shindo, Hannah M. Nakamura, Junichi Nakai, Minoru Wakamori, Takashi Nakamura. A parasympathetic neurotransmitter induces myoepithelial cell differentiation during salivary gland development. Experimental Cell Research. 2022. 416. 1. 113137-113137
Tomoaki Nakamura, Tsutomu Iwamoto, Hannah M. Nakamura, Yuki Shindo, Kan Saito, Aya Yamada, Yoshihiko Yamada, Satoshi Fukumoto, Takashi Nakamura. Regulation of miR-1-Mediated Connexin 43 Expression and Cell Proliferation in Dental Epithelial Cells. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2020. 8
Kanta Kido, Yuki Shindo, Hitoshi Miyashita, Mikio Kusama, Shigekazu Sugino, Eiji Masaki. Acute Management of Massive Epistaxis After Nasotracheal Extubation. Anesthesia progress. 2019. 66. 4. 211-217
Acetylcholine (ACh), a parasympathetic neurotransmitter, orchestrates the in duction and the positioning of myoepithelial cells in developing salivary gl ands.