Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
2022 - 2027 構造多様性一挙構築型生体反応の集積・予知・創出
2023 - 2026 転写因子・酵素ドメイン融合タンパク質による酢酸応答機構の解明
2022 - 2025 Studies on mining of novel enzymes functioning in secondary metabolite biosynthesis in Streptomyces and their molecular mechanism.
2020 - 2023 機能未知酵素ホモログによるアシルCoA代謝調節機構の解明
2017 - 2020 Metabolic control via protein acylation in Thermus thermophilus
2014 - 2016 Metabolic regulation via protein acylation in Thermus thermophilus
2012 - 2014 Structural studies on mechanism of amino acid exporting system in Corynebacterium glutamicum
2011 - 2013 アレルギー関連遺伝子発現制御機構に関する構造生物学的、遺伝生化学的研究
2008 - 2010 アスパラギン酸キナーゼの活性調節メカニズムに関する構造生物学的研究
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Papers (26):
Heru Pramono, Ayako Yoshida, Yuki Hirashima, Yusuke Sone, Tohru Terada, Saori Kosono, Makoto Nishiyama. Crystal structure of a novel heterooligomeric aminotransferase from Serratia sp. ATCC 39006 provides insights into function. FEBS Letters. 2025. 599. 1. 74-88
Toshihiko Katoh, Chihaya Yamada, Michael D Wallace, Ayako Yoshida, Aina Gotoh, Moe Arai, Takako Maeshibu, Toma Kashima, Arno Hagenbeek, Miriam N Ojima, et al. A bacterial sulfoglycosidase highlights mucin O-glycan breakdown in the gut ecosystem. Nature chemical biology. 2023
Sumire Kurosawa, Hironori Okamura, Ayako Yoshida, Takeo Tomita, Yusuke Sone, Fumihito Hasebe, Tetsuro Shinada, Hirosato Takikawa, Saori Kosono, Makoto Nishiyama. Mechanisms of Sugar Aminotransferase-like Enzymes to Synthesize Stereoisomers of Non-proteinogenic Amino Acids in Natural Product Biosynthesis. ACS Chemical Biology. 2023
Yutaro Morita, Ayako Yoshida, Siyan Ye, Takeo Tomita, Minoru Yoshida, Saori Kosono, Makoto Nishiyama. Protein-protein interaction-mediated regulation of lysine biosynthesis of <i>Thermus thermophilus</i> through the function-unknown protein LysV. The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology. 2023
Sumire Kurosawa, Fumihito Hasebe, Hironori Okamura, Ayako Yoshida, Kenichi Matsuda, Yusuke Sone, Takeo Tomita, Tetsuro Shinada, Hirosato Takikawa, Tomohisa Kuzuyama, et al. Molecular Basis for Enzymatic Aziridine Formation via Sulfate Elimination. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2022