J-GLOBAL ID:202101010507666409
Update date: Feb. 04, 2025 Hayashi Daiki
ハヤシ ダイキ | Hayashi Daiki
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Assistant Professor
Homepage URL (2): https://sites.google.com/view/hayashigrouphomepagejpn/home
https://sites.google.com/view/ku-hayashigroup/home Research field (1):
Molecular biology
Research keywords (6):
, Enzymology
, Molecular Biology
, Phospholipase A2
, Lipid Biochemistry
, Biological Chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5): - 2023 - 2025 細胞膜脂質の恒常性維持を担うホスホリパーゼA2の基質特異性と機能制御機構
- 2023 - 2024 iPLA2の酸化脂質分解の分子基盤解明とその応用
- 2022 - 2024 植物におけるリボソーム蛋白質RPSAの膜受容体としての機能の検証
- 2020 - 2020 脂質加水分解酵素PLA2の基質特異性の包括的解明
- 2016 - 2018 DGKαに着目した糖尿病性腎症を改善する機能性食品及び創薬の開発と作用機序の解明
Papers (17): -
Felicity J Ashcroft, Asimina Bourboula, Nur Mahammad, Efrosini Barbayianni, Astrid J Feuerherm, Thanh Thuy Nguyen, Daiki Hayashi, Maroula G Kokotou, Konstantinos Alevizopoulos, Edward A Dennis, et al. Next generation thiazolyl ketone inhibitors of cytosolic phospholipase A2 α for targeted cancer therapy. Nature communications. 2025. 16. 1. 164-164
Varnavas D Mouchlis, Yuan-Hao Hsu, Daiki Hayashi, Jian Cao, Sheng Li, J Andrew McCammon, Edward A Dennis. The mechanism of allosteric regulation of calcium-independent phospholipase A2 by ATP and calmodulin binding to the ankyrin domain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2024. 121. 48. e2411539121
Daiki Hayashi, Edward A Dennis. Differentiating human phospholipase A2's activity toward phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylinositol phosphate and phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids. 2024. 1869. 7. 159527-159527
Daiki Hayashi, Edward A Dennis. Molecular basis of unique specificity and regulation of group VIA calcium-independent phospholipase A2 (PNPLA9) and its role in neurodegenerative diseases. Pharmacology & therapeutics. 2023. 245. 108395-108395
Daiki Hayashi, Varnavas D. Mouchlis, Seika Okamoto, Tomoka Namba, Liuqing Wang, Sheng Li, Shuji Ueda, Minoru Yamanoue, Hirofumi Tachibana, Hiroyuki Arai, et al. Vitamin E functions by association with a novel binding site on the 67 kDa laminin receptor activating diacylglycerol kinase. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 2022. 110. 109129-109129
more... MISC (1): -
Hayashi Daiki, Liu Ka, Ueda Shuji, Yamanoue Minoru, Sakane Fumio, Shirai Yasuhito. Screening of novel diacylglycerol kinase alpha (DGK alpha) activator to develop drugs improving diabetic nephropathy. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2015. 128. 3. S102
Books (1): - Protective Role of Alpha-Tocopherol in Diabetic Nephropathy
Elsevier 2018 ISBN:9780128120194
Lectures and oral presentations (12): -
(農芸化学会創立100周年・関西支部創立90周年記念支部大会 2024)
(23rd Panhellenic Chemistry Conference 2024)
Computational analysis on binding structure of limonin to a bitter taste receptor TAS2R38
(21st IUPAB Congress 2024 2024)
GVIA iPLA2の過酸化脂質分解の分子メカニズムとフェロトーシスへの寄与
(第66回日本脂質生化学会 2024)
酸化リン脂質に対する基質特異性に基づくGVIA PLA2特異的阻害剤の改良
(第66回日本脂質生化学会 2024)
more... Education (3): - 2015 - 2018 Kobe University Graduate School of Agricultural Science Department of Agrobioscience
- 2013 - 2015 Kobe University Graduate School of Agricultural Science Department of Agrobioscience
- 2009 - 2013 Kobe University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agrobioscience
Work history (2): - 2018/04 - 2021/08 University of California San Diego Department of Pharmacology
- 2016/04 - 2018/03 学術振興会特別研究員 (DC2)
Awards (3): - 2023/07 - 一般財団法人 敬愛まちづくり財団 前之園記念若手優秀論文賞
- 2022/11 - The Eicosanoid Research Foundation ERF Young Investigator Award Molecular basis of unique specificity and ATP activation of group VIA calcium-independent phospholipase A2
- 2020/01 - 公益財団法人 上原記念生命科学財団 ポストドクトラルフェローシップ 脂質加水分解酵素PLA2の基質特異性の包括的解明
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