Kazuhiro Hirano, Hideki Yamauchi, Naoya Nakahara, Kazuo Kinoshita, Maki Yamaguchi, Shigeru Takemori. X-ray Diffraction Analysis to Explore Molecular Traces of Eccentric Contraction on Rat Skeletal Muscle Parallelly Evaluated with Signal Protein Phosphorylation Levels. International journal of molecular sciences. 2021. 22. 23
平野和宏, 中原直哉, 山内秀樹, 平塚理恵, 山口眞紀, 竹森重. Repetitive low-intensity eccentric contraction has little effect on sarcomere structure at a molecular level. 量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ(Web). 2017. 2016
急性期病院リハビリテーションマニュアル : clinical manual of rehabilitation in acute general hospital settings
新興医学出版社 2017 ISBN:9784880022000
南江堂 2017 ISBN:9784524254989
MEDICAL REHABILITATION No182 下肢のスポーツ障害-押さえておきたい病態・評価・治療とリハビリテーション-
全日本病院出版会 2015
臨床スポーツ医学 臨時増刊号
文光堂 2014
Lectures and oral presentations (88):
Effects of contraction mode and intensity on signal protein activity and sarcomere structure in mildly atrophic muscle(タイトル和訳中)
(The Journal of Physiological Sciences 2024)
Sarcomere structure analysis of in vivo slow-twitch muscle with retained blood supply: an x-ray diffraction study(タイトル和訳中)
(The Journal of Physiological Sciences 2024)
X線回折法と張力測定法によるウサギ外眼筋の構造・機能特性(Structural and functional property of the rabbit extraocular muscle studied by X-ray diffraction experiment and tension measurement)
(生物物理 2023)
収縮様式と収縮強度が骨格筋のサルコメア構造に及ぼす影響(Effects of contraction mode and intensity on sarcomere structure of skeletal muscle)
(The Journal of Physiological Sciences 2023)