J-GLOBAL ID:202101011328351612
Update date: Dec. 17, 2024 Hirano Shigeki
ヒラノ シゲキ | Hirano Shigeki
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Assistant Professor
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11): - 2023 - 2026 脳機能画像による神経障害性性疼痛の可視化と定量的評価システムの確立
- 2020 - 2023 The pathophysiologyof neuropathic pain assessed by peripheral nerve axonal excitability and brain blood flow
- 2018 - 2023 PET evaluation of pathological diversity in dementia towards the establishment of novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies
- 2018 - 2022 Creating Research Ethics through the Development of Communication Channels with People with Dementia
- 2017 - 2020 Systematic brain search of Parkinson's Disease with functional neuroimaging
- 2017 - 2020 Brain imagings and evoked potentials in patients with neuropathic pain
- 2014 - 2018 Tau PET study for revealing the pathogenesis and establishing the objective marker of disease severity in neurodegenerative dementia
- 2014 - 2018 Multimodal neuroimaging study in tauopathies.
- 2014 - 2017 Objective evaluation methods of neuropathic pain by axonal excitability testing and brain imaging
- 2010 - 2012 Developing a new diagnostic system using positron emission tomography for dementia with Lewy bodies
- 2005 - 2007 Brain acethylcholinesterase activity and dementia in Lewy body disease: a positron emission tomography study
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Papers (93): -
Jiaqi Wang, Atsuhiko Sugiyama, Hajime Yokota, Shigeki Hirano, Tatsuya Yamamoto, Yoshitaka Yamanaka, Nobuyuki Araki, Shoichi Ito, Friedemann Paul, Satoshi Kuwabara. Differentiation between Parkinson’s Disease and the Parkinsonian Subtype of Multiple System Atrophy Using the Magnetic Resonance T1w/T2w Ratio in the Middle Cerebellar Peduncle. Diagnostics. 2024. 14. 2. 201-201
Masahide Suzuki, Shigeki Hirano, Karen Otte, Tanja Schmitz-Hübsch, Michiko Izumi, Mitsuyoshi Tamura, Ryota Kuroiwa, Atsuhiko Sugiyama, Masahiro Mori, Hanna M Röhling, et al. Digital Motor Biomarkers of Cerebellar Ataxia Using an RGB-Depth Camera-Based Motion Analysis System. Cerebellum (London, England). 2023
Atsuhiko Sugiyama, Kazuho Kojima, Shigeki Hirano, Jun Sone, Satoshi Kuwabara. Unilateral Wing-Beating Tremor in Neuronal Intranuclear Inclusion Disease. Case reports in neurology. 2023. 15. 1. 126-130
Atsuhiko Sugiyama, Hajime Yokota, Shigeki Hirano, Jiaqi Wang, Shoichi Ito, Satoshi Kuwabara. Association between Cognitive Impairment and Hippocampal Subfield Volumes in Multiple System Atrophy. Parkinson's disease. 2023. 2023. 8888255-8888255
Shigeki Hirano, Akira Kojima, Yoko Nakayama, Takahiro Takeda, Takashi Kishimoto, Toshiyuki Takahashi, Satoshi Kuwabara, Masahiro Mori. A case report of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder induced by pembrolizumab treatment for lung adenocarcinoma: a clinical and immunohistochemical study. BMC neurology. 2022. 22. 1. 483-483
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吉田 俊樹, 山中 義崇, 荒木 信之, 片桐 明, 藤沼 好克, 山本 達也, 平野 成樹, 樋口 佳則, 桑原 聡. 視床下核脳深部刺激療法(STN-DBS)がパーキンソン病患者の食事性低血圧に与える影響. 臨床神経学. 2020. 60. Suppl. S447-S447
山本 達也, 山中 義崇, 杉山 淳比古, 平野 成樹, 内山 智之, 朝比奈 正人, 榊原 隆次, 桑原 聡. 多系統萎縮症(MSA-C)では運動障害と排尿障害の重症度は相関しない. 自律神経. 2020. 57. 2. xxxv-xxxvi
荒木 信之, 山中 義崇, 片桐 明, 藤沼 好克, 吉田 俊樹, 山本 達也, 平野 成樹, 樋口 佳則, 桑原 聡. 長期視床下核脳深部刺激療法によるパーキンソン病の胃電図所見に与える影響. 自律神経. 2020. 57. 2. xxxiii-xxxiii
more... Professional career (1): - Doctor of Medical Science (Chiba University)
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