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YASUI Hiroshi. "The Most Gay-friendly City in the Middle East":Analyses of Discourse on Sexual Minorities in Israeli Publicities. Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies. 2018. 34. 2. 35-70
Hiroshi YASUI. Doctoral Theses in Middle East Studies: The Politics Surrounding Rights and Nationalism in Contemporary Israel: A Comparative Analysis of LGBTQ Rights and Animal Rights (in Japanese). Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies. 2024. 40. 1. 53-57
Mobilizing the Human/Animal Binaries: A Critical Analysis of Vegan Nationalism and Israel's Ongoing 'War on Terror'
(Colonial Legacies, Racist Discrimination: Belgo-Japanese dialogues 2025)
動物の権利と批判的動物研究 - 動物の問題を考えるために
(第186回 サロンde人権)
Rebranding Tradition?: Environmental Sustainability as a Global Norm and the Adaptation of Israel’s Kibbutz Agriculture
(The 15th AFMA Conference 2024)
The Rise of Depoliticized Veganism and Its Association with Neoliberal Values in Tel Aviv
(Middle East Studies Association 58th Annual Meeting 2024)