J-GLOBAL ID:202101014717918724
Update date: Jan. 31, 2024 Mineo Hideaki
ミネオ ヒデアキ | Mineo Hideaki
Research field (1):
Nuclear engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - 1986 - 1988 Development of Direct Iron-Ore Reduction Process Using Fast Fluidized Bed
Papers (15): -
Morita Yasuji, Kawata Yoshihisa*, Mineo Hideaki, Koshino Nobuyoshi*, Asanuma Noriko*, Ikeda Yasuhisa*, Yamasaki Kazuhiko*, Chikazawa Takahiro*, Tamaki Yoshihisa*, Kikuchi Toshiaki*. A Study on precipitation behavior of plutonium and other transuranium elements with N-cyclohexyl-2-pyrrolidone for development of a simple reprocessing process. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. 2007. 44. 3. 354-360
Kevin Hesketh, Gerhard Schlosser, Dieter F. Porsch, Timm Wolf, Oliver Köberl, Benoit Lance, Rakesh Chawla, Jess C. Gehin, Ron Ellis, Sadao Uchikawa, et al. Plutonium management in the medium term. Nuclear Technology. 2004. 148. 3. 244-258
Yasuhisa Ikeda, Emiko Wada, Masayuki Harada, Takahiro Chikazawa, Toshiaki Kikuchi, Hideaki Mineo, Yasuji Morita, Masanobu Nogami, Kazunori Suzuki. A study on pyrrolidone derivatives as selective precipitant for uranyl ion in HNO3. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2004. 374. 1-2. 420-425
Mineo Hideaki, Isogai Hikaru, Morita Yasuji, Uchiyama Gunzo*. An Investigation into dissolution rate of spent nuclear fuel in aqueous reprocessing. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. 2004. 41. 2. 126-134
Mineo Hideaki, Goto Minoru, Iizuka Masaru*, Fujisaki Susumu, Hagiya Hiromichi*, Uchiyama Gunzo. Applicability of a model predicting iodine-129 profile in a silver nitrate silica-gel column for dissolver off-gas treatment of fuel reprocessing. Separation Science and Technology. 2003. 38. 9. 1981-2001
more... MISC (48): -
Mineo Hideaki. Current status of new research reactor at the Monju Site. Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMO$\Sigma. 2022. 64. 11. 617-621
Takeda Tetsuaki*, Inagaki Yoshiyuki, Aihara Jun, Aoki Takeshi, Fujiwara Yusuke, Fukaya Yuji, Goto Minoru, Ho H. Q., Iigaki Kazuhiko, Imai Yoshiyuki, et al. High temperature gas-cooled reactors. High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors; JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation, Vol.5. 2021. 464
Yonomoto Taisuke, Mineo Hideaki, Murayama Yoji, Hohara Shinya*, Nakajima Ken*, Nakatsuka Toru, Uesaka Mitsuru*. Issues and recommendations about application of graded approach to research reactors. Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi. 2021. 63. 1. 73-77
Mineo Hideaki, Nishihara Tetsuo, Ohashi Hirofumi, Goto Minoru, Sato Hiroyuki, Takegami Hiroaki. Research and development activities of JAEA for HTGR system realization. Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMO$\Sigma. 2020. 62. 9. 504-508
Uesaka Mitsuru*, Mineo Hideaki. Prolonged stoppage of research reactors and critical assemblies affects human resource development. Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMO$\Sigma. 2016. 58. 8. 468-473
more... Books (1): - Transport in fluidized particle systems
Elsevier,Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co. 1989 ISBN:0444871381
Lectures and oral presentations (6): -
Current status of the new research reactor at the Monju-site and relations with regional society
(Technical Meeting on Site Repurposing and Stakeholder Involvement)
Current status of new research reactor at the Monju Site
(FY2021 FNCA Online Workshop on Research Reactor Utilization Project)
Current status of new test and research reactor at the Monju site
Development of human resources for research and development to support nuclear energy utilization
Development of advanced reprocessing system using high selective and controllable precipitants
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