J-GLOBAL ID:202101014970167204
Update date: Jul. 13, 2024 Tadokoro Kiyoshi
タドコロ キヨシ | Tadokoro Kiyoshi
Affiliation and department: Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - 2022 - 2027 天然資源開発に対する地域住民の対応過程の理論化の試み-パプアニューギニアを事例に
- 2017 - 2023 住民組織の「互助」機能:地域包括ケアシステムでの活用可能性
- 2019 - 2022 パプアニューギニア無医地区におけるヘルスカバレッジ向上に資する医療サービスの解明
- 2015 - 2017 Association between neighborhood food environment and dietary intakes among Japanese elderly
- 2014 - 2017 Anthro-Zoolography between Animals and Zoologists
- 2014 - 2017 Similarity and difference of social change among the two natural resource development areas in Papua New Guinea.
- 2009 - 2012 Ethnic identity and conflict over natural resource development inPapua New Guinea
- 2010 - 2011 An Anthropological Study of the Socio-Politicalization of the concepts of" Biodiversity"
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Papers (18): -
Rieko NAKAO, Mayumi OHNISHI, Kazumi NATSUHARA, Chiho GOTO, Shingo ODANI, Kiyoshi TADOKORO, Shuji SUEYOSHI, Fumihiro YAGU, Masahiro UMEZAKI. Shopping behaviors and neighborhood food environment related to dietary intake among middle-aged and older people in Nagasaki City, Japan. Japanese Journal of Health and Human Ecology. 2024. 90. 1. 3-15
Momoka Masuda, Kazumi Natsuhara, Shuji Sueyoshi, Shingo Odani, Fumihiro Yagyu, Kiyoshi Tadokoro, Mayumi Ohnishi, Rieko Nakao, Chiho Goto, Masahiro Umezaki. Association between the dietary inflammatory index and disability in Japanese older people. Public Health Nutrition. 2022. 25. 11. 3137-3145
Yusuke Kawakami, Kiyoshi Tadokoro. Combined fuel utilization in the procurement of internal and external fuels in depopulated area: Revival of firewood fuel in a fishing village in Shimokita Peninsula, Aomori Prefecture. Northeast Asian Studies. 2021. 25. 71-96
Kiyoshi TADOKORO. ‘Mutual aid’ in Community-based integrated care systems. Japanese Journal of Health and Human Ecology. 2018. 84. 6. 187-197
Masahiro UMEZAKI, Kiyoshi TADOKORO, Jun BABA, Atsuhiro HAMASHIMA. How communities respond to aging and depopulation?. Japanese Journal of Health and Human Ecology. 2018. 84. 6. 179-179
more... MISC (26): -
田所聖志, 佐本英規, 馬場 淳. 東京ドキュメンタリー映画祭2022「特集 パプアニューギニア」を鑑賞して. 日本オセアニア学会ニューズレター. 2022. 134. 14-23
田所 聖志. 書評 河野正治著『権威と礼節 : 現代ミクロネシアにおける位階称号と身分階層秩序の民族誌』. 文化人類学 = Japanese journal of cultural anthropology / 日本文化人類学会 編. 2022. 86. 4. 697-699
田所聖志. 「テレビ会議システムを用いたオセアニア地域研究の授業の試み--『太平洋諸島の歴史を知るための60章-日本とのかかわり』を教科書とした事前学習と授業でのキーワード解説を組み合わせた授業構成」. 『日本オセアニア学会ニューズレター』. 2021. 130. 1-17
書評 熊谷圭知著『パプアニューギニアの「場所」の物語 : 動態地誌とフィールドワーク』. Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology. 2020. 85. 1. 153-156
田所 聖志, 宮本 律子, 三宅 良美, 中村 裕, 安達 毅. 専門教育のテーマを視野に入れた初年次教育の検討 : 資源政策コースにおける2014年度~2016年度の取り組みから-An Investigation of the Academic Topics for the First Year Education Program of the Department of Resource Policy and Management : FY2014-FY2016. 秋田大学教養基礎教育研究年報. 2018. 20. 13-24
more... Lectures and oral presentations (4): -
Mineral and Energy Resource Development in Papua New Guinea and Issues Surrounding It
(The 38th meeting of human ecology 2024)
The Local and Indigenous Perspectives on Human - Nature Relationships: A case from the Tewada people in Papua New Guinea
(2024 Planetary Health Summit and 6th Annual Meeting (PHAM24) 2024)
The Role of Cultural Anthropological Study Tours in Intercultural Education at Japanese Universities: The Case of a Study Tour to Papua New Guinea
(Anthropology of Japan in Japan (AJJ) 2023 Annual Meeting 2023)
The Impact of Natural Gas Development on People's Way of Understanding Social and Environmental Change in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea.
(2023 Annual Meeting, Society for Applied Anthropology 2023)
Education (3): - 2000 - 2006 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School of Social Sciences Ph.D. in Social Anthropology
- 1996 - 2000 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School of Social Sciences M.A. in Social Anthropology
- 1992 - 1996 Tokyo Gakugei University Faculty of Education B.A.
Professional career (1): - Ph.D. in Social Anthropology (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Work history (7): - 2021/04 - 現在 Toyo University Faculty of Sociology Department of Global Diversity Studies Professor
- 2016/04 - 2021/03 Akita University Gradual School of International Resource Sciences Associate Professor
- 2014/04 - 2016/03 Akita University Faculty of International Resource Sciences Associate Professor
- 2013/09 - 2014/03 Akita University Associate Professor
- 2010/04 - 2013/08 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine Project Assistant Professor
- 2008/12 - 2010/03 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine Project Research Associate
- 2006/04 - 2009/03 Rissho University Faculty of Letters Department of Sociology
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Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本民族学会(現・日本文化人類学会)会員
, 東京都立大学社会人類学会会員
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