Research field (2):
Experimental psychology
, Neuroscience - general
Research keywords (7):
visual word recognition
, Developmental dyslexia
, Event-related potential
, Transcranial magnetic stimulation
, Learning
, Language
, attention
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
2023 - 2028 読み書きを強化するニューロフィードバック技術の開発
2023 - 2028 読み書きを強化するニューロフィードバック技術の開発
2023 - 2026 読字とその障害に関わる皮質間情報処理過程の検討
2021 - 2024 Development of a Multifaceted Reading Support Method Using Language, Hearing, and Vision Using ICT Devices and Verification of Its Effectiveness
2014 - 2017 Visual function training for developmental dyslexia
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Papers (5):
Tomoki Uno, Kouji Takano, Kimihiro Nakamura. Dissecting the causal role of early inferior frontal activation in reading. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2024. e0194242024-e0194242024
Tomoki Uno, Tetsuko Kasai, Ayumi Seki. The Developmental Change of Print-Tuned N170 in Highly Transparent Writing Systems. Japanese Psychological Research. 2021
UNO Tomoki, KATAKURA Takashi, KASAI Tetsuko. Role of Object-based Attention inLeft-lateralization of Print-specific ERP. Japanese Journal of Physiological Psychology and Psychophysiology. 2020. 38. 3. 139-148
UNO Tomoki, KASAI Tetsuko, SEKI Ayumi. Electrophysiological Correlates Associated with Involuntary Processing of Single Letters in the Japanese Hiragana Script. Japanese Journal of Physiological Psychology and Psychophysiology. 2019. 37. 3. 157-165
Tomoki Uno, Yasuko Okumura, Tetsuko Kasai. Print-specific N170 involves multiple subcomponents for Japanese Hiragana. Neuroscience letters. 2017. 650. 77-81
Early activation of Broca's area plays a casual role in visual word recognition
(Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting 2021)
Early cortical processes underlying the development of whole-word perception
(Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting 2019)
The left lateralization of print-specific negativity depends on visual attention in competitive stimuli
(Society for the Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting 2018)
Electrophysiological assessment of the underlying processing for reading difficulties in dyslexic children with AD/HD
(The Association for Reading and Writing in Asia Annual Conference 2018)
Attention modulates relative lateralization of N170 for single letters in Japanese Hiragana
(Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting 2017)