J-GLOBAL ID:202101015188563806   Update date: Jan. 30, 2024


Affiliation and department:
Job title: Clinical Associate
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2018 - 2023 高精細度肛門内圧検査器を用いた直腸癌および肛門疾患手術後の直腸肛門機能の評価
Papers (91):
  • Yuta Imaizumi, Yasuhiro Takano, Atsuko Okamoto, Takafumi Nakano, Naoki Takada, Hiroshi Sugano, Yasuhiro Takeda, Masahisa Ohkuma, Makoto Kosuge, Ken Eto. High-output stoma is a risk factor for stoma outlet obstruction in defunctioning loop ileostomies after rectal cancer surgery. Surgery today. 2023
  • Atsuko Okamoto, Kenei Furukawa, Masahisa Ohkuma, Takafumi Nakano, Satoshi Yoshioka, Yuta Imaizumi, Hiroshi Sugano, Yasuhiro Takeda, Makoto Kosuge, Ken Eto. Clinical Significance of Controlling Nutritional Status (CONUT) Score in Patients With Colorectal Liver Metastases After Hepatectomy. In vivo (Athens, Greece). 2023. 37. 6. 2678-2686
  • 小林 康伸, 大熊 誠尚, 隈本 智卓, 高田 直樹, 江藤 誠一郎, 武田 泰裕, 谷田部 沙織, 小菅 誠, 大木 隆生, 衛藤 謙. 当院での直腸癌に対するロボット支援腹腔鏡下手術の導入. 日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集. 2022. 122回. DP-1
  • 高田 直樹, 江藤 誠一郎, 小林 康伸, 隈本 智卓, 武田 泰裕, 谷田部 沙織, 大熊 誠尚, 小菅 誠, 大木 隆生, 衛藤 謙. 当院における閉塞性大腸癌に対する術前腸管減圧加療の検討. 日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集. 2022. 122回. DP-8
  • Yasuhiro Takeda, Ken Eto, Kai Neki, Masahisa Ohkuma, Makoto Kosuge, Toru Ikegami. Laparoscopic complete mesocolic excision and pelvic lymphadenectomy for locally advanced, T4b, right-sided colon cancer: a video vignette. Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland. 2021
MISC (13):
  • ISHIMOTO Utako, NAGATA Yusuke, NISHIMURA Takashi, SAWADA Ryoichi, DAIRAKU Katsushi, SUGANO Hiroshi, NOGUCHI Masaaki, YATABE Saori, TAKEDA Yasuhiro, NEKI Kai, et al. Comparison of ileostomy in the adjuvant chemotherapy for high risk Stage II and Stage III colorectal cancer patients. 日本臨床腫瘍学会学術集会(CD-ROM). 2021. 18th
  • 衛藤 謙, 武田 泰裕, 小菅 誠, 根木 快, 菅野 宏, 池上 徹. 【内視鏡外科手術に必要な局所解剖-結腸・直腸】腹腔鏡下S状結腸切除術に必要な局所解剖. 手術. 2020. 74. 13. 1821-1827
  • Yusuke Nagata, Ryoichi Sawada, Masahisa Ohkuma, Takashi Nishimura, Masaaki Noguchi, Yasuhiro Takeda, Daisuke Ito, Eijiro Nagasaki, Katsushi Amano, Ken Eto, et al. The difference in the effects on chemotherapy following primary tumor resection and olostomy in colorectal cancer. ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 2019. 30
  • 鎌田 哲平, 根木 快, 武田 泰裕, 小菅 誠, 衛藤 謙, 矢永 勝彦. 繰り返す血便を主訴に発見され腹腔鏡下回盲部切除術によって切除しえた回腸動静脈奇形の1例. 日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌. 2019. 24. 3. 233-239
  • 鎌田哲平, 根木快, 武田泰裕, 小菅誠, 衛藤謙, 矢永勝彦. Successful laparoscopic ileocecal resection for arteriovenous malformation of the ileum with repeated gastrointestinal bleeding : A case report. 日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌(Web). 2019. 24. 3
Professional career (1):
  • Skeletal muscle loss is an independent negative prognostic factor in patients with advanced lower rectal cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (The Jikei University School of Medicine)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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