2017 - 2020 Development of fast far-field Raman microspectroscopy for stress imaging using surface plasmon resonance
2015 - 2018 Development of fatigue design method of small-sized structures based on controlled nano-crystalline microstructure
2014 - 2017 Fast stress mapping in Resin-based Composites by PID Polarized Micro-Raman spectroscopy
2014 - 2016 Evaluation of fatigue damage of short-fober reinforced plastics based on simultaneous stress measurement and microimaging by synchrotron radiation
2010 - 2011 Evaluation of crack propagation behavior based on stress mapping within grains by synchrotron microbeam
2009 - 2011 Microscopic fracture mechanics approach to fatigue damage mechanisms of nanocrystalline metallic thin films
2007 - 2008 高エネルギー放射光マイクロイメージングと応力の同時計測によるき裂損傷評価
2005 - 2006 ナノレベル微小領域における応力成分同定技術の確立
2004 - 2006 Microscopic Fracture Mechanics Study on Fatigue Micro Mechanisms of Thin Films by Micro Beam X-Ray Stress Evaluation
2003 - 2004 緻密・多孔脆性固体の3次元メゾモデリングによる必要特性発現材料設計法の開発
2001 - 2003 Development of high precision measurement system of residual stress in engineering materials by time-of-flight neutron method
2001 - 2003 Microscopic Fracture Mechanics Study on Mechanisms of Small Fatigue Crack Propagation by Micro Beam X-ray Stress Evaluation
2000 - 2002 Study on development of fatigue life prediction system based on neutron strain scanning method
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Papers (2):
KIMACHI Hirohisa, YAMAMOTO Shinji, OTA Wataru, SHIRAKIHARA Kaori, FUJITA Yuichi. Measurement of Local Stress Components in Single Crystal Alumina by Using Raman Microspectroscopy with Sub-Micro Spatial Resolution. journal of the Japan Society for Testing Materials. 2009. 58. 7. 603-609
KIMACHI Hirohisa, TSUNEKAWA Takuya, SHIRAKIHARA Kaori, TANAKA Keisuke. Observation of Crystal Orientation, Domain and Domain Switching in Ferroelectric Ceramics by EBSP Method(<Special Issue>"Materials Evaluation by Crystal Diffraction Method and Electron Backscatter Diffraction Method"). Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. A. 2008. 74. 739. 335-341