J-GLOBAL ID:202101017923388854
Update date: Dec. 13, 2024 Asiloglu Rasit
アシルオグル ラシット | Asiloglu Rasit
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Assistant Professor,
Homepage URL (2): https://www.appliedprotistology.com/ja
https://www.appliedprotistology.com Research field (4):
Ecology and environmental science
, Molecular biology
, Applied microbiology
, Plant nutrition, soil science
Research keywords (1):
Protists, Microbial ecology, Soil science, Plant science, Terrestial ecology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2019 - 2020 Augmentation of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria by targeted delivery with heterotrophic protists to the rice rhizosphere
- 2018 - 2019 Interaction Between Heterotrophic Protists and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizo-bacteria (PGPR) and its Outcomes for Rice (Oryza sativa) Plant Growth
- 2013 - 2016 The structure and function of the microbial food chain involved in methane dynamics in the rice rhizosphere
Papers (25): -
Seda Ozer Bodur, Kazuki Suzuki, Naoki Harada, Rasit Asiloglu. Top-down predators shape soil bacterial community composition while bottom-up nutrients drive bacterial abundance. Science of The Total Environment. 2024. 957. 177634
Rasit Asiloglu, Seda Ozer Bodur, Solomon Oloruntoba Samuel, Murat Aycan, Jun Murase, Naoki Harada. Trophic modulation of endophytes by rhizosphere protists. The ISME Journal. 2024. wrae235
Mayu Fujino, Seda Ozer Bodur, Naoki Harada, Rasit Asiloglu. Guardians of plant health: roles of predatory protists in the pathogen suppression. Plant and Soil. 2024
Seda Ozer Bodur, Mayu Fujino, Rasit Asiloglu. Predatory Protists: The Key Players in the Quest for Sustainable Agricultural Practices. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024
Seda Ozer Bodur, Solomon Oloruntoba Samuel, Kazuki Suzuki, Naoki Harada, Rasit Asiloglu. Nitrogen-based fertilizers differentially affect protist community composition in paddy field soils. Soil Ecology Letters. 2024. 6. 3
more... Lectures and oral presentations (24): -
Trophic Regulation of Plant Root Microbiome by Predatory Protists
(7th International Symposium on Strategies for Sustainability in Food Production, Agriculture, and Environment 2021)
Soil properties have more significant effects on the community composition of protists than the rhizosphere effect of rice plants in alkaline paddy field soils
(7th International Symposium on Strategies for Sustainability in Food Production, Agriculture, and Environment 2021)
Remarkable functions of predatory protists in paddy soil
(7th International Symposium on Strategies for Sustainability in Food Production, Agriculture, and Environment 2021)
Temporal changes in bacterial and archaeal communities in a paddy soil applied with organic materials with different chemical compositions
(7th International Symposium on Strategies for Sustainability in Food Production, Agriculture, and Environment 2021)
Predicting the fate of neonicotinoid insecticides using simulated paddy fields
(7th International Symposium on Strategies for Sustainability in Food Production, Agriculture, and Environment 2021)
more... Education (3): - 2013 - 2016 Nagoya University Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences Doctoral Course (PhD)
- 2011 - 2013 Nagoya University Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences Master Course (MSc)
- 2005 - 2009 Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Agriculture Soil Sciences
Work history (1): - 2017/04 - 現在 Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture Asst. Professor
Awards (8): - 2024/09 - Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Young Researchers Poster Presentation Award Responses of distinct bacterial communities to protist predation
- 2024/09 - Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Young Researchers Oral Presentation Award Effect of organic fertilizers on microbial trophic interactions in sugarcane fields
- 2023/11 - Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (JSSSPN) 42nd Japan Society of Soil and Fertilizer Encouragement Award 水田土壌における原生生物の生態と機能に関する研究
- 2021/09 - Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Best Oral Presentation Award Trophic regulation of rice root endophytes by protists
- 2021/08 - Niigata University President's Award (Young Scientist)
- 2021/01 - Kariwa Advanced Agro-Biotechnology (KAAB) International Symposium Best Poster Award Protist predation upon rhizobacteria alters endophytic bacterial community associated with rice plants
- 2020/10 - Council of Higher Education, Republic of Turkey International Cooperation Award GLocal Age 2020
- 2018/11 - Joint Symposium of the 8th International Agriculture Congress and 6th International Symposium for Food & Agriculture Best Poster Award Enhanced Rice Plant Growth by Interaction of Heterotrophic Protists and Azospirillum sp. Strain B510.
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Association Membership(s) (2):
Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology
, Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
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