Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2023 - 2026 観光対象としての公園・神社での動物飼養に関する研究
2022 - 2025 「感情労働」概念の再構成と観光業への適用
2020 - 2023 奈良のシカを中心とした野生生物の観光資源化に関する研究
Papers (9):
Yuko Taira. Issues on Study of Emotional Labor in Tourism Industry: From the perspective of Service and Hospitality. Tourism Promotion Research. 2021. 1. 1. 56-64
A Study on the Concept of "Recreation" in Japanese Zoos during Taisho and the Early Showa Period. 2019. 24. 19-28
Relationship between Travelers and Deer in Nara during the Middle and Late Period of Edo Era : Religiousness and Amusement Analyzed Based on Travel Diaries. 2018. 23. 3-12
Tomoo MIZUTANI, Yuko TAIRA. Usefulness of travel diaries in studies on deer in Nara during the Edo Period. 2018. 29. 2. 19-51
水谷 知生, 平 侑子. 近世以降の宮島のシカと人との関係 : 野生生物観光の観点から-The Relations between Deer and People in Miyajima after the Early Modern Period : From the Perspective of Wildlife Tourism. 観光研究 : 日本観光研究学会機関誌 = The tourism studies : the journal of Japan Institute of Tourism Research / 日本観光研究学会 編. 2023. 35. 1. 35-52