J-GLOBAL ID:202101021471898415
Update date: Mar. 05, 2025 Hashizume Masaki
Hashizume Masaki
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Director/ Specially Appointed Professor
Research field (2):
Electronic devices and equipment
, Computer systems
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - 2023 - 2026 Design for Testability for Electrical Tests of Interconnects between Dies after Shipment
- 2017 - 2021 Open Defect Detection at Interconnects among IC Chips with Relaxation Oscilators
- 2015 - 2017 IC Test Method Based on Charge Volume Injected from a Power Supply Circuit within a Timing Window
- 2012 - 2014 Dynamic Supply Current Test Method with Built-in IDDT Appearance Time Sensor
- 2010 - 2011 Supply Current Testable Design of DACs in SoCs
- 2006 - 2008 Current Testing for Opens and Shorts in SoCs and SiPs
- 2003 - 2005 Electrical Testing of Open Defects in Deep Sub-micron CMOS Logic Circuits
- 2001 - 2002 Open Defect Detection Method Based on Supply Current in CMOS Logic Circuits
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Papers (138): -
Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Masaki Hashizume. High Reliability in Solder Joints by Current Testing with Boundary Scan Test Circuits. Transactons of The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging. 2025. 28. 1. 102-108
Yuya Yamahashi, Yuto Ohtera, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Shyue-Kung Lu, Masaki Hashizume. Detectability of Resistive Open Defects with Analog Relaxation Oscillators Under Unit-to-Unit Variations of Dies. 2024 International 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC). 2024. 1-5
Daichi Akamatsu, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Masaki Hashizume. Design of an Efficient PRPG for Testing an Approximate Multiplier Using Truncation. Proc. of 2024 International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC). 2024
Yuya Yamahashi, Masao Ohmatsu, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Shyue-Kung Lu, Masaki Hashizume. Dependence of Threshold Values for Interconnect Testing with Relaxation Oscillators on Unit-to-unit Variations of ICs. Proc. of 2024 International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC). 2024
Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Masaki Hashizume. Testing of Weak Open Defects in Interconnects Using Boundary Scan. Journal of The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging. 2024. 27. 4. 288-293
more... MISC (106): -
吉村俊哉, 四柳浩之, 橋爪正樹. An FPGA Implementation of Design for Testability Circuit for Detecting Resistive Interconnect Opens. エレクトロニクス実装学会講演大会講演論文集(CD-ROM). 2024. 38th
有元康滋, 四柳浩之, 橋爪正樹. A Study on Boundary Scan Design for Testing Interconnects between ICs in a Stand-by Mode. エレクトロニクス実装学会講演大会講演論文集(CD-ROM). 2023. 37th
大松正男, 大寺佑都, 四柳浩之, 橋爪正樹, LU S-K. Detectability of Resistive Open Defects in Interconnect Tests with Analog Relaxation Oscillators. マイクロエレクトロニクスシンポジウム論文集. 2023. 33rd
赤松大地, 東海翔午, 四柳浩之, 橋爪正樹. On Reducing Area Overhead of BIST for Approximate Multiplier Considering Truncated Bits. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(Web). 2023. 123. 258(VLD2023 30-79)
有元康滋, 四柳浩之, 奥本裕也, 宮谷康希, 橋爪正樹. On the Evaluation of Boundary Scan Design for Testing Interconnects between ICs in a Stand-by Mode. 電気・電子・情報関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM). 2023. 2023
more... Books (4): - Three-Dimensional Integration of Semiconductors --- Processing, Materials, and Applications --- Trends in 3D Integrated Circuit (3D-IC) Testing Technology
Springer 2015
- LSIテスティングハンドブック
Ohmsha, Ltd. 2008
- パソコンによるLisp入門-増補版-
森北出版 1986
- パソコンによるLisp入門
森北出版 1985
Education (3): - 1993 - Kyoto University
- 1981 - Graduated from the Graduate School of Engineering, Tokushima University.
- 1979 - Graduated from the Faculty of ---, --- University.
Professional career (1): - Doctor of Engineering (Kyoto University)
Work history (14): - 2023/04 - 現在 The Open University of Japan Tokushima Study Center Director/ Specially Appointed Professor
- 2020/04 - 2022/03 The University of Tokushima Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Scocial Sciences Dean
- 2020/04 - 2022/03 The University of Tokushima Graduate School of Science and Technology for Innovation Dean
- 2017/09 - 2020/03 The University of Tokushima Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science Dean
- 2017/09 - 2020/03 The University of Tokushima Faculty of Science and Technology Dean
- 2016/04 - The University of Tokushima Faculty of Sience and Technology Professor
- 2005/03 - 2016/03 徳島大学教授,工学部電気電子工学科
- 1997/01 - 徳島大学助教授,工学部電気電子工学科
- 1996/03 - オランダ王国デルフト工業大学客員研究員(6ヶ月)
- 1992/11 - 徳島大学講師,工学部電気電子工学科
- 1990/01 - 徳島大学助手,工学部電気電子工学科
- 1987/05 - 京都大学工学部情報処理関係内地研究員(9ヶ月)
- 1983/04 - 徳島大学助手,工業短期大学部電子工学科
- 1981/04 - 日本電信電話公社武蔵野電気通信研究所研究員
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Awards (16): - 2024/06 - 日本電子回路工業会(JPCA) アカデミックプラザ賞 待機状態IC の入力配線検査を行う バウンダリスキャン用コントローラの試作
- 2019/11/14 - IEEE 2018 JETTA/TTTC Best Paper Award Address Remapping Techniques for Enhancing Fabrication Yield of EmbeddedMemories
- 2019/06/21 - International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC) Best Paper Award On Design and Evaluation of a TDC Cell Embedded in the Boundary Scan Circuit for Delay Fault Testing of 3D ICs
- 2019/02/18 - IEEE CASS Shikoku Chapter IEEE CASS Shikoku Chapter Best Paper Award Address Scrambling and Data Inversion Techniques for Yield Enhancement of NROM-Based ROMS
- 2018/12/06 - 電子情報通信学会 ディペンダブルコンピューティング研究専門委員会 第5回研究会若手優秀講演賞 TDC組込み型バウンダリスキャンにおける遅延付加部のリオーダによる配線長の低減
- 2018/10/16 - The 26th IEEE Asian Test Symposium Best Paper Award Fault-aware page address remapping techniques for enhancing yield and reliability of flash memories
- 2018/03/07 - Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging 第31回エレクトロニクス実装学会春季講演大会 電荷注入回数によるIC間配線の試験回路
- 2017/09/23 - IEEE CASS Shikoku Chapter IEEE CASS Shikoku Chapter Best Paper Award Enhanced Built-In Self-Repair Techniques for Improving Fabrication Yield and Reliability of Embedded Memories
- 2017/08/30 - 情報処理学会 SLDM研究会 システムLSI設計技術研究会2016年度 優秀発表学生賞 微小遅延故障テストのためのTDC組込み型スキャンFFの設計について
- 2016/11/29 - 電子情報通信学会 ディペンダブルコンピューティング研究専門委員会 第3回研究会若手優秀講演賞 論理値割当隣接線の選択による断線故障用テスト生成時間の削減
- 2016/03/08 - 国際連携教育開発センター グローバル大学院工学教育賞
- 2014/11/05 - IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan 2014 Young Researcher Award Threshold Value Estimation of Electrical Interconnect Tests with Scan FFs
- 2013/03/07 - Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging 第31回エレクトロニクス実装学会春季講演大会研究奨励賞 電荷注入回数によるIC間配線の試験回路
- 2012/08/29 - 社団法人情報処理学会 システムLSI設計技術研究会 第153回システムLSI設計技術研究会優秀発表学生賞 テストデータ量削減のための反転信号シフト型 BAST 構成とテストパターン生成法
- 2011/06/21 - International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC) Best Paper Award Possibility of Logical Error Caused by Open Defects in TSVs
- 1999/09/10 - 8th Electronic Circuits World Convention The Most Attractive Visual AWARD WINNER Supply Current Testing for Bridging Faults in Microprocessor Based Sequence Control Circuits
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Association Membership(s) (3):
Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging
, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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