J-GLOBAL ID:202201001056258881
Update date: May. 21, 2022 Han Zheng
Han Zheng
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Specially Appointed Research Associate
Homepage URL (1): https://sites.google.com/view/hanzhenghp Research field (1):
Economic policy
Research keywords (3):
Government policy's implication on multinational production
, Domestic trade friction and its impact on trade
, Transportation sector and its impact on trade
Papers (4): -
Han Zheng, Li Hongtao. Transportation Infrastructure and Trade. 2022
Han Zheng. Heterogeneous Internal Trade Cost and Its Implications in Trade. 2021
Han Zheng, Daisuke Fujii. Nonlinear Pricing in Transport Industry and the Gains from Trade. 2021
Han Zheng. Price Discrimination in the Transport Industry and the Gains from Trade. 2021
Lectures and oral presentations (4): -
Transportation Infrastructure and Trade
(The 2nd TWID International Finance Conference 2022)
Price Discrimination in the Transport Industry and the Gains from Trade
(Japan Society of International Economics 80th Annual Meeting 2021)
Nonlinear Pricing in Transport Industry and the Gains from Trade
(Japanese Economic Association 2021 Autumn Meeting 2021)
Nonlinear Pricing in Transport Industry and the Gains from Trade
(Japan Society of International Economics 79th Annual Meeting 2020)
Education (1): - 2017 - 2021 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Public Policy Doctor
Work history (1): - 2021/04 - 現在 Hitotsubashi University Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study Specially Appointed Research Associate
Awards (2): - 2017/09 - The University of Tokyo The University of Tokyo Fellowship
- 2015/09 - The States University of New York at Buffalo Presidential Fellowship Presidential Fellow
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