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J-GLOBAL ID:202201002899096553   Update date: Feb. 01, 2024

Aoyama Masato

アオヤマ マサト | Aoyama Masato
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (10):
  • 2015 - 2019 The attempt to find exact, incisive and noninvasive physiological markers for nausea using goats, non-emetic species
  • 2011 - 2016 Studies the flying tract and spreading infection in the crow.
  • 2011 - 2015 The attempt to relieve transportation stress by controlling motion sickness in domestic animals
  • 2008 - 2010 Is Motion Sickness a Part of The Transportation Stress in Domestic Animals?
  • 2007 - 2009 Study how do birds reorganize fruits maturation.
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Papers (23):
  • 小原愛美, 小原愛美, 青山真人, 杉田昭栄, 杉田昭栄. A study of cues used by large-billed crow in picture recognition. 動物心理学研究. 2022. 72. 1
  • Aoyama Masato, Shioya Minami, Tsukamoto Yume, Hasegawa Hitomi, Sugita Shoei. The effects of cisplatin, an emetic agent, on behavior and plasma cortisol levels in goats. Animal Science Journal. 2021. 92. 1
  • 佐怒賀琴美, 青山真人, 杉田昭栄. Effects of the experience of road transportation on the behavioral responses to it in goats. Animal Behaviour and Management. 2016. 52. 3
  • AOYAMA Masato, MOTEGI Takumi, SUGITA Shoei. Effects of apomorphine administration on the behavior in goats. Animal Behaviour and Management. 2016. 52. 4
  • 竹田努, 青山真人, 杉田昭栄. Seasonal variation in movement distances by jungle crows (Corvus macrorhychos) and incoming frequencies to use of livestock barns. 日本畜産学会報. 2015. 86. 2
MISC (2):
  • 塚原直樹, 塚原直樹, 青山真人, 杉田昭栄. ハシブトガラスとハシボソガラスにおける発声器官の形態学的相違. 日本獣医学会学術集会講演要旨集. 2007. 143rd. 154-154
  • SUGITA Shoei, AOYAMA Masato, FUJIWARA Katsuhiko. Retinal projections to the dorsal and ventral lateral geniculate nucleus in the domestic pig. Animal Science Journal. 2000. 71. 2. 189-196
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