J-GLOBAL ID:202201004249909560
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024 Tada Makoto
タダ マコト | Tada Makoto
Affiliation and department: Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2018 - 2021 Development of a selective culture method for pulmonary epithelial stem cells using high-performance immunotoxin
- 2017 - 2019 Characterization of distal airway stem-like cells expressing N-terminally truncated p63 and thyroid transcription factor-1 in the human lung
- 2016 - 2018 Basic examination of survivin as therapeutic targets in KRAS-mutant lung adenocarcinoma
Papers (33): -
Ryunosuke Maki, Masahiro Miyajima, Keishi Ogura, Makoto Tada, Yuki Takahashi, Hirofumi Adachi, Atsushi Watanabe. Anatomy of the left subsuperior segment for segmentectomy. Surgery today. 2022. 52. 7. 1054-1062
Ryunosuke Maki, Masahiro Miyajima, Keishi Ogura, Makoto Tada, Yuki Takahashi, Hirofumi Adachi, Atsushi Watanabe. Pulmonary vessels and bronchus anatomy of the left upper lobe. Surgery today. 2022. 52. 4. 550-558
Makoto Tada, Hirofumi Uehara, Takeshi Ohyu, Atsushi Watanabe. Salvage Surgery for Bronchopleural Fistula Due to Durvalumab and Chemoradiation. The Annals of thoracic surgery. 2021
Keigo Matsuura, Makoto Tada, Toshiyuki Sumi, Koichi Osuda, Hisashi Nakata, Hirofumi Chiba. Unexpected haemorrhage from lateral thoracic artery following the removal of a pleural drainage tube. Respirology case reports. 2021. 9. 12. e0882
Yuji Sakuma, Sachie Hirai, Toshiyuki Sumi, Makoto Tada, Takashi Kojima, Toshiro Niki, Miki Yamaguchi. MCL1 inhibition enhances the efficacy of docetaxel against airway-derived squamous cell carcinoma cells. Experimental cell research. 2021. 406. 2. 112763-112763
more... MISC (67): -
高橋 有毅, 槙 龍之輔, 鶴田 航大, 多田 周, 新井 航, 進藤 悠真, 中村 泰幸, 宮島 正博, 渡辺 敦. 難治性気胸の治療戦略 VIO soft-coagulation systemによる肺瘻コントロールの有効性についての検討. 日本胸部外科学会定期学術集会. 2021. 74回. LWS5-4
高橋 有毅, 多田 周, 槙 龍之輔, 宮島 正博, 渡辺 敦, 佐久間 裕司, 齋藤 充史. VIO soft-coagulation systemによる肺瘻修復メカニズムについての検討. 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌. 2021. 35. 3. RO23-6
槙 龍之輔, 宮島 正博, 小倉 圭史, 多田 周, 高橋 有毅, 安達 大史, 渡辺 敦, Wataru Arai. 区域切除のための左肺下葉における気管支肺血管の解剖-Pulmonary vessels and bronchial anatomy of the left lower lobe. 北海道外科雑誌 = The Hokkaido journal of surgery / 北海道外科雑誌編集委員会 編. 2020. 65. 2. 186-188
宮島 正博, 槙 龍之輔, 高橋 有毅, 多田 周, 鶴田 航大, 新井 航, 進藤 悠真, 渡辺 敦. 【ロボット支援下肺葉切除術】. 北海道外科雑誌. 2020. 65. 1. 14-17
渡辺 敦, 宮島 正博, 槙 龍之輔, 高橋 有毅, 多田 周, 鶴田 航大, 新井 航. 教室における呼吸器外科ロボット支援手術の取り組み. 気管支学. 2020. 42. Suppl. S193-S193
more... Education (2): - 2016 - 2019 Sapporo Medical University Graduate School of Medicine
- 2009 - 2015 Sapporo Medical University
Professional career (1): - MD, PhD (Sapporo Medical University Graduate School of Medicine)
Work history (6): Return to Previous Page