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J-GLOBAL ID:202201005322813573   Update date: May. 08, 2022

LI Xinyue

リ シンユエ | LI Xinyue
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Researcher
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.naro.affrc.go.jp/laboratory/nfri/
Research field  (2): Agricultural environmental and information engineering ,  Food sciences
Research keywords  (7): Near-Infrared Spectroscopy ,  Fluorescent fingerprint ,  Omics analysis ,  Chemometrics ,  Multivariate analysis ,  Food Quality ,  Food Engineering
Papers (9):
  • Xinyue Li, Yasuyo Sekiyama, Nobutaka Nakamura, Yoko Suzuki, Mizuki Tsuta. Estimation of komatsuna freshness using visible and near-infrared spectroscopy based on the interpretation of NMR metabolomics analysis. FOOD CHEMISTRY. 2021. 364
  • Xinyue Li, Mizuki Tsuta, Fumiyo Hayakawa, Yuko Nakano, Yukari Kazami, Akifumi Ikehata. Estimating the sensory qualities of tomatoes using visible and near-infrared spectroscopy and interpretation based on gas chromatography -mass spectrometry metabolomics. FOOD CHEMISTRY. 2021. 343
  • Mito Kokawa, Azusa Hashimoto, Xinyue Li, Mizuki Tsuta, Yutaka Kitamura. Estimation of 'Hass' Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Ripeness by Fluorescence Fingerprint Measurement. FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS. 2020. 13. 4. 892-901
  • Xinyue Li, Mizuki Tsuta, Fukuyo Tanaka, Masatoshi Tsukahara, Keiko Tsukahara. Assessment of Japanese Awamori Spirits Using UV-VIS Spectroscopy. FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS. 2020. 13. 3. 726-734
  • Xinyue Li, Mito Kokawa, Sheuli Afroz, Tamotsu Tanaka, Yutaka Kitamura. Effects of micro wet milling on bioaccessibility of phosphatidic acid and lysophosphatidic acid in komatsuna during in vitro digestion. FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. 2019. 121. 926-932
Lectures and oral presentations  (3):
  • The evaluation of komatsuna freshness using visible-near infrared spectroscopy
    (36th NIR Forum 2020)
  • Prediction of Tomato Sensory Quality Using Vis-NIR Spectroscopy
    (NIR 2019 (ICNIRS) 2019)
  • UV-VIS Spectroscopy for the Rapid Assessment of Multiple Attributes of Awamori-the Oldest Distilled Liquor in Japan
    (The Sixth Asian NIR Symposium 2018)
Professional career (1):
  • PhD (Biotechnology) (University of Tsukuba)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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