J-GLOBAL ID:202201008665934049
Update date: Mar. 11, 2025 YOSHIDA Masashi
ヨシダ マサシ | YOSHIDA Masashi
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): https://www-sk.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~myoshida_s/ Research field (1):
Particle, nuclear, cosmic-ray, and astrophysics - experiment
Research keywords (4):
, 二重ベータ崩壊
, ニュートリノ
, 素粒子実験
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2024 - 2028 国際協力研究で挑む宇宙暗黒物質の正体解明
- 2018 - 2021 超軽量・高電圧電極を備えた大型キセノンガス検出器の開発による0νββ崩壊探索
Papers (9): -
Masashi Yoshida, Kazuhiro Nakamura, Shinichi Akiyama, Sei Ban, Junya Hikida, Masanori Hirose, Atsuko K Ichikawa, Yoshihisa Iwashita, Yukimasa Kashino, Tatsuya Kikawa, et al. High-pressure xenon gas time projection chamber with scalable design and its performance at around the Q value of 136Xe double-beta decay. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. 2023
Abe, S., Asami, S., Gando, A., Gando, Y., Gima, T., Goto, A., Takahiko Hachiya, Hata, K., Hayashida, S., Hosokawa, K., et al. Limits on Astrophysical Antineutrinos with the KamLAND Experiment. The Astrophysical Journal. 2022. 925. 1. 14-14
S. Abe, S. Asami, A. Gando, Y. Gando, T. Gima, A. Goto, T. Hachiya, K. Hata, S. Hayashida, K. Hosokawa, et al. Search for Solar Flare Neutrinos with the KamLAND Detector. The Astrophysical Journal. 2022. 924. 2. 103-103
Nanami Kawada, Shuhei Obara, Koji Ishidoshiro, Seisho Abe, Sachihiro Asami, Azusa Gando, Yoshihito Gando, Tomomi Gima, Anna Goto, Takahiko Hachiya, et al. Low-energy astrophysics with KamLAND. Proceedings of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference - PoS(ICRC2021). 2021
S. Abe, S. Asami, A. Gando, Y. Gando, T. Gima, A. Goto, T. Hachiya, K. Hata, S. Hayashida, K. Hosokawa, et al. Search for Low-energy Electron Antineutrinos in KamLAND Associated with Gravitational Wave Events. The Astrophysical Journal. 2021. 909. 2. 116-116
more... MISC (1): -
中村 和広, 潘 晟, 吉田 将. 0νββ崩壊探索のための高圧キセノンガスTPC検出器: AXEL ~開発奮闘記~. 高エネルギーニュース. 2020. 39. 3. 122-130
Lectures and oral presentations (25): -
(第10回「極低放射能技術」研究会 2025)
(日本物理学会第79回年次大会 2024)
The Status of the XENONnT Neutron Veto
(4th DMNet Symposium 2024)
Status and recent results of XENONnT
(Workshop on Inelastic Nuclear Scattering fro Dark Matter Detection 2024)
(令和5年度東京大学宇宙線研究所共同利用研究成果発表会 2024)
more... Education (2): - 2016 - 2022 Kyoto University Graduate School of Science Division of Physics and Astronomy
- 2012 - 2016 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1): Work history (3): - 2024/04 - 現在 The University of Tokyo, ICRR, Kamioka Observatory Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2022/04 - 2024/03 Kyoto University Graduate School of Science Division of Physics and Astronomy
- 2018/04 - 2021/05 Kyoto University Graduate School of Science Division of Physics and Astronomy
Awards (1): - 2018/09 - 測定器開発優秀修士論文・審査委員特別賞
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 高エネルギー物理学研究者会議
, 日本物理学会
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