J-GLOBAL ID:202201009696652080
Update date: Aug. 31, 2024 MAEKAWA Youhei
マエカワ ヨウヘイ | MAEKAWA Youhei
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - 2020 - 2022 How much can biomass power generation using forest residue contribute to reducing GHG emissions?
Papers (16): -
KOMATA Hirotaka, MAEKAWA Yohei, ISHIKAWA Yoshio, YANAGIDA Takashi, TAKATA Eri, KUBOYAMA Hirofumi. Consideration of a Combined Heat and Power Business by Wood Chips Gasification That Functions as a Dry Wood Chips Production and Supply Base. Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy. 2024. 103. 5. 34-43
MAEKAWA Youhei. Considering the Role of Academic Societies in the Wake of the Third Wood Shock. Journal of Forest Economics. 2023. 69. 2. 52-53
前川 洋平. 林地残材を含む木材を燃料とするバイオマス発電のGHG. 林産試験場報. 2023. 550. 9-14
KOMATA Hirotaka, MAEKAWA Yohei, YAMADA Atsushi, ISHIKAWA Yoshio, YANAGIDA Takashi, KUBOYAMA Hirofumi, YOSHIDA Takahiro. Profitability Evaluation of Combined Heat and Power Business by Pyrolysis Gasification of Wood Pellet: Case Study in Hokkaido Considering Uncertainty. Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy. 2022. 101. 2. 24-35
前川 洋平. 特集 木質バイオマスエネルギー利用の動向と課題(5)発電用燃料材の証明ガイドラインの運用実態と課題. 山林. 2019. 1620. 26-33
more... MISC (23): -
YANAGIDA Takashi, TAKATA Eri, KOIDO Kenji, KUBOYAMA Hirofumi, KOMATA Hirotaka, MAEKAWA Yohei, ISHIKAWA Yoshio, TAHARA Kiyotaka. P-19 Economic evaluation of introduction of small woody biomass gasification heat and power cogeneration system in municipalities utilizing facility subsidies. Proceedings of the Conference on Biomass Science. 2023. 19. 105-106
前川洋平, 古俣寛隆, 石川佳生, 酒井明香. Study on setting half-life of transportation material to calculate carbon stocks of harvested wood products. 日本木材学会大会研究発表要旨集(完全版)(CD-ROM). 2023. 73rd
石川佳生, 古俣寛隆, 酒井明香, 前川洋平, 高梨隆也. Study on integrated operation of lumber laminated lumber and precut factory in Hokkaido: II-Examination for production in low-quality round wood utilization-. 日本木材学会大会研究発表要旨集(完全版)(CD-ROM). 2023. 73rd
古俣寛隆, 前川洋平, 酒井明香, 大橋義徳, 石川佳生. Study on integrated operation of lumber, laminated lumber and precut factory in Hokkaido: I-Overview of overall research-. 日本木材学会大会研究発表要旨集(完全版)(CD-ROM). 2023. 73rd
古俣寛隆, 前川洋平, 酒井明香, 大橋義徳, 石川佳生. Study on integrated operation of lumber, laminated lumber and precut factory in Hokkaido: III-Evaluation of business profitability-. 日本木材学会大会研究発表要旨集(完全版)(CD-ROM). 2023. 73rd
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