J-GLOBAL ID:202201009971164636
Update date: Jun. 28, 2023 Datta Shammi
だった しゃみ | Datta Shammi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Professor・Dean of Department
Research field (1):
Education - general
Research keywords (1):
Inquiry education, International Baccalaureate, Teacher education, Education reform
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2019 - 2022 Assessing innovation in academic and linguistic skills in secondary education with a focus on IB-inspired curricula
- 2012 - 2015 国際バカロレアの趣旨を踏まえた教育の推進に関する調査研究
Papers (10): -
Risa Tanaka Kinoshita, Shammi Datta. Possibilities for “Proactive, Interactive Deep Learning” in Japan's New National Curriculum Evident From an Analysis of IBDP's Theory of Knowledge. 2021. 10. 177-193
Commencement and future of IB educator program. 2019. 19-20
avid Gregory Coulson,Shammi Datta,Mai Sugawara. Local Implementation of International Baccalaureate in Japanese Secindary School System:How Good Practice is Positively Impacting Education Provision. Handbook of Research on Curriculum Reform Initiatives in English Education. 2018. 35-61
ダッタ・シャミ. 国際バカロレアの現在:教師が「壁紙」となって行くActive Learning授業. 文部科学教育通信. 2015. 375. 11月9日号. 24-26
ダッタ・シャミ. IBDP歴史科目における評価方法、研究課題、及びHigher LevelとStandard Level科目の違い. 2015. 374. 24-26
more... Books (6): - 総合的な探究 実践ノート
増進道 2022
- Education Reform and International Baccalaureate in the Asia Pacific
IGI GLobal 2021 ISBN:9781799855477
- Shakai Kadai Kaeketu Sogo Gakushu Note
- Kokusai Baccalaureate no Genzai
- Theory of Knowledge Sekai ga Mitometa Chi no Riron
more... Lectures and oral presentations (17): -
An examination of educator professional development encompassing IB philosophy - Based on "Teaching study sessions for proactive, interactive, and deep learning integrating the gist of TOK”
(Japan Association for Research into IB Education 2022)
文部科学省IB教育推進コンソーシアム 2022年度 国際バカロレア教育 サマーセミナー
(2022年度 国際バカロレア教育 サマーセミナー 2022)
(新時代の教育を語り合う会 2022)
県立高知西高校 国際シンポジウム基調講演
(国際シンポジウム 2021)
(国際ロータリー第2690地区 定例会 2020)
more... Education (2): - 1990 - 1992 University of British Columbia
- 1986 - 1990 International Christian University College of Liberal Arts
Professional career (1): - Master of Arts (University of British Columbia)
Work history (2): - 2016/04 - 2020/03 国立大学法人東京芸術大学大学院教育学研究科 准教授
- 1992/04 - 2016/03 学校法人関西学院 千里国際高等部
Association Membership(s) (3):
Japan Association for Research into IB Education
, jALs - Japan Active Learners Society
, Nippon Association for Librarianship
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