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J-GLOBAL ID:202201011709835540   Update date: Nov. 26, 2024

Fujimichi Yuki

フジミチ ユキ | Fujimichi Yuki
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2020 - 2024 オルガノイドとRNA-Seqによる腸管幹細胞と微小環境への放射線と加齢の影響評価
  • 2016 - 2020 Evaluation of radiation-induced cell competition using intestinal organoids and their contribution to dose rate effects
Papers (12):
  • Michiya Sasaki, Yuki Fujimichi, Kazuo Yoshida, Toshiyasu Iwasaki. Calculation of an Indicator for Early Death Using Atomic Bomb Survivors’ Data. Journal of Radiation Protection and Research. 2022. 47. 1. 22-29
  • Yuki Fujimichi, Kensuke Otsuka, Masanori Tomita, Toshiyasu Iwasaki. Ionizing radiation alters organoid forming potential and replenishment rate in a dose/dose-rate dependent manner. Journal of radiation research. 2022. 63. 2. 166-173
  • Yuki FUJIMICHI, Michiya SASAKI, Kazuo YOSHIDA, Toshiyasu IWASAKI. Estimated Risks of Radiation-induced Solid Cancers from Various Exposure Conditions and the Effects of Age and Follow-up Period on These Risks. Japanese Journal of Health Physics. 2020. 55. 3. 144-153
  • Yuki Fujimichi, Kensuke Otsuka, Masanori Tomita, Toshiyasu Iwasaki. An Efficient Intestinal Organoid System of Direct Sorting to Evaluate Stem Cell Competition in Vitro. Scientific reports. 2019. 9. 1. 20297-20297
  • Kensuke Otsuka, Keiji Suzuki, Yuki Fujimichi, Masanori Tomita, Toshiyasu Iwasaki. Cellular responses and gene expression profiles of colonic Lgr5+ stem cells after low-dose/low-dose-rate radiation exposure. Journal of radiation research. 2018. 59. suppl_2. ii18-ii22
MISC (23):
  • MATSUBARA Kosuke, TSUJI Tomoya, ENOMOTO Atsushi, NOMURA Naoki, SASAKI Michiya, FUJIMICHI Yuki. Impressions of JHPS Symposium (Fiscal Year 2021). Japanese Journal of Health Physics. 2021. 56. 4. 324-334
  • 佐々木道也, 藤通有希. 合理的な放射線防護のためのリスク・線量評価の不確かさを定量化. Annual Report. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry. 2021. 2020
  • 細谷紀子, 細谷紀子, 飯塚大輔, 朝田良子, 石川純也, 砂田成章, 中村麻子, 藤通有希, 吉本由哉. “How can we promote scientific research in With/Post-COVID-19 era?”~Report on the 7th seminar organized by Career Path and Gender Equality Committee in the Japanese Radiation Research Society (JRRS)~. 放射線生物研究. 2021. 56. 1
  • 大塚健介, 藤通有希. Challenges to radiation biology using organoids and live-cell imaging. 放射線生物研究. 2021. 56. 2
  • FUJIMICHI Yuki, SASAKI Michiya. Impressions of the International Correspondence Committee Session “Recent International Trends in Radiological Protection” in the 53rd Annual Meeting of JHPS. Japanese Journal of Health Physics. 2020. 55. 4. 183-184
Education (2):
  • 2010 - 2015 東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 原子力国際専攻
  • 2006 - 2010 名古屋大学 工学部 物理工学科
Work history (3):
  • 2021/07 - 現在 Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
  • 2016/08 - 2021/06 Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
  • 2012/04 - 2016/07 Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
Association Membership(s) (2):
日本放射線影響学会 ,  日本保健物理学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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